Sunday, July 6, 2014

Walk 500 Miles or Hitchhike?

So before I go about the rest of the day I wanted to muse a bit about this morning's sermon while it's fresh in my mind. It was all about rivalry, Jesus, and the importance of realizing that we can't please everyone. Even Jesus couldn't.

We don't have to walk 500 miles to find Jesus. Yet with that being said I do think we have to make some commitment to our spiritual life and growth. As I was driving home however I thought of the whole idea of competition and rivalry. Do I believe that those that "seek" God and muse and read and ponder have a "better" relationship with God? Am I an "intellectual snob?" Do I think one way is better just as the Pharisees went back and forth over Jesus's approach and John the Baptists way of doing things? 

As I pondered this I came to the conclusion that no, I don't really think one way is better than the other. It's simply that I have to write about what I know, my approach to life, spiritual growth and seeking to know God. I can't write about the pure basic I believe in Jesus faith, never questioning, strong and unshaken. People that have this simple yet strong faith are truly blessed. But its not me. Does it make them better than me or I better than them? No it is simply two different paths to the same destination.

The most basic premise of the whole search for meaning and spiritual growth can be summed up in a single bible verse. Believe in Him. It's as simple as that.

Anything after this belief is as some might say "Icing on the cake." Anything beyond this is not necessary so why do  spend time musing?  Not for "saving grace" that is already offered without strings attached. I do it for myself. I find that it helps me stay the distance, helps me put one foot in front of the other, and leads me in meaningful directions. Do I HAVE to do it? Do you have to do it? No. Yet to be an active participant in my relationship with God has benefits.
I've pondered before that we have some personal responsibility for our own relationship with God. That the door can be opened but it is indeed our choice to step through it. So I ask you, "Are you walking those 500 miles or are you hitchhiking?"
Again, I fully understand that we don't have to walk 500 miles to find Jesus. What I am asking I suppose is "do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?" I suppose also I'm asking, "do you walk or do you hitchhike?" In other words, do you make your faith your own, do you live it, breath it, speak it and listen to God's whispers or do you simply "go along for the ride" (with someone else's beliefs)
Those 500 or 5000 or any number of miles can be wearing on the spirit. That is where that basic belief in Jesus comes into play. Without it your shoes wear out, you get blisters and the dust settles in your nostrils.
I know this is rambling. It's not meant as a great dissertation but simply as one travelers thoughts.
Hugs to each of you. Hugs to those with a strong simple faith that you live daily, you are truly blessed. Hugs to those who struggle to believe, may you be comforted by God's touch. Hugs to those like me that wander the pathways seeking guidance, inspiration, and a deeper relationship.

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