Friday, February 28, 2014

Snowflake Philosophy

A year or so ago I wrote a musing called "snowflake philosophy" and since we are supposed to get MORE snow I thought it might be a good time to revisit the musing. I have a copy of the original somewhere but I'm musing about it from memory here tonight.
I proposed two basic premises to my snowflake philosophy. Neither are particularly original. First that like snowflakes each of us is unique. Not a new thought for sure! The important thing to ask though is "why" is each of us unique? What purpose does the uniqueness serve?
For the second part, let's think for a moment about snowflakes. Each one tiny, delicate, fragile and unique. Yet together they are not tiny, delicate or fragile. They are quite powerful. Think avalanche! That's a pretty strong force made up of millions and millions of little flakes of snow.
The accumulated force of all those tiny snowflakes can be destructive or beautiful.
The last piece of snowflake philosophy is to apply it to yourself in relation to the world and to others.
You are unique like a snowflake. What is the purpose of your uniqueness? God didn't just throw you together for the heck of it. There is a reason you have the specific combination of gifts and talents that you have. To me my spiritual quest is to understand the path God has set before me and travel it with humility and love.
So snowflake philosophy says simply that you need to discover the reason you are you. That along the snowy path there is a special journey God has in mind for you. Second, it reminds us that "together" like snowflakes we have the power to do many things. Why are we each unique? Like a puzzle our uniqueness fits together with others to create a powerful force. We complement each other, we blend together, each bringing something important to the "blizzard." Each of us, tiny, delicate, fragile, softly falling into the snow banks of life. Together we create a force as strong as an avalanche.
"It's all God's children singing
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns
And all the powers of darkness
Tremble at what they've just heard
'Cause all the powers of darkness
Can't drown out a single word"
Lyrics: He Reigns
Hugs to you.  Stay warm and safe during the expected storm. I hope that during the snowfall that you will take some time to muse about your snowy path and reflect on what you bring to the "blizzard" of life.  
Questions to muse:
1. What do I bring to the blizzard?
2. How does it fit with the other "snowflakes" in my life?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

In the Garden of Good and Evil

A few posts back I mentioned evil and whether people think evil truly exists. I said that might be a topic for another post. Well today is the day for a bit of musing about evil and the nature of evil. Please be forewarned that this musing will go in multiple directions. I have no steadfast belief about "evil" at this time. One thing I do believe is that it exists. So this musing is more about exploring "ideas" about evil. I'm not a theologian and what I use here are just bits and pieces I have gleaned from reading not an in depth "knowledgeable" discussion of the topic.

First I want to muse a bit about the thoughts of Macquarrie, an Anglican philosophical theologian. He wrote both Principles of Christian Theology and Jesus Christ in Modern Thought; neither of which I have read.  Here, however, is what intrigues me about his thoughts about the nature of evil. He viewed evil as a reversal of the positive phenomenon of "becoming"  Though we are created and supported by God, we are in constant peril of "un-becoming". Good exists as the striving to "become." Which fits with my personal thoughts about connecting with your soul, being on the path that God has set for us, and "growing" closer in our spiritual relationship with God. In short, "becoming". While evil works for the exact opposite of "becoming" which is to un-become. Or perhaps think of it as de-evolving. Reaching a lower level with less and less spiritual awareness until only base desires and nothingness exists. I can "see' this in the "evil" present in serial killers and other depraved offenders.

Second, I read a short piece and I forget where; that we view evil as an external force and in doing so we allow people to put the "blame" elsewhere rather than examine the aspects of good and evil that exists in all of us. Now when I think about this idea, I agree with it to a point. Inside us, we all possess the inherent ability to be both good and evil. Yet I disagree that there is never an external "evil" in the world. I think there is, although it's shape and form I'm not sure of. When you think of the "internal" aspect of this viewpoint it actually fits with the idea of "becoming". You can either strive toward a higher spiritual self or you can stray so far from the source of good (God) that you run the risk of "un-becoming."  It reminds me that I must be diligent in my spiritual quest so that apathy doesn't invade my thoughts and the weariness of the world doesn't pull me too far from the path.

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21  

Then we have the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, and author of Beyond Good and Evil.   While I do not agree with a lot of what I read associated with his thoughts I find myself musing this: 
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”    
Gazing into the abyss, when you begin to know or understand something that is so fundamentally different from yourself, it affects you. Perhaps you even take a piece of it with you.
Think about it in the realm of criminal profilers if that is easier to process than the construct of evil. Profilers that research, study, talk with, examine, and "get inside the heads" of violent offenders are affected by it. Yes, there are ways to avoid it or counter it but as you "connect" with such individuals you cannot help but be drawn into a world that is fundamentally different than the world at large.  
Turn away from evil and do good; so shall you dwell forever.    Psalm 37:27
I think the same can be said to be true in a positive manner also. When you look "into the light" (for lack of better comparison) then the light gazes also into you. I've long said that as a "collector of stories" that I learn and grown and am transformed by the stories I hear and the people I encounter. It's the same concept, isn't it?  The same could be said of  "musings".  Musings are a way of looking into things and each one can spiral toward a deeper understanding.
I warned you that this was going to go in a bunch of different directions all at once. I've even more thoughts I could muse about but I'll save that for another day.
Until then, hugs and hope and faith to you. I hope my writing might help you in some small way on your journey.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Finding Beauty in Imperfections

Sometimes a phrase, idea, quotation or topic just seems to "pop into my head". Often it is at unexpected times so I can't really just sit down and blog at that exact moment. When it happens though I have learned to jot down quickly a few words or notes, so when I have a chance I can muse a bit about this little tidbit that has crept into my mind or sometimes totally invaded my life. Which is what I call it when an idea, song lyric, or phrase gets caught in my mind and refuses to leave until I address it. Over a week ago I thought "finding beauty in imperfections". That's it....there was no earth shattering thing happening at the time...just this little phrase.  I didn't really know what this musing would be about but simply that it would present itself again.
Originally I thought that perhaps it related to the fact that as humans none of us is perfect, that the pressure of trying to be might actually drive us away from our spiritual selves. I wondered what bible verse might relate. I had no idea. Then this little image caught my eye.   
There can't be anything more beautiful than that. In our imperfections we provide God with opportunities to be in our lives. For His power to flow into the world via our weaknesses.
Perhaps it's like a symbiotic relationship.
Symbiotic relationships include those associations in which one organism lives on another or where one partner lives inside the other . I know it sounds a little weird but I am thinking abut God residing inside each of us. His grace; his kindness and favor, unearned, yet given freely.  
Imperfections are judgment calls. What one calls imperfect, another may find quite beautiful. As humans, however we are imperfect and always will be. That is the nature of humanity. Our spiritual self can through God's grace reach a different level. In doing so it is God's strength revealed through us.  That's not a mandate to wallow in your imperfections or mistakes but rather a path to revealing the you God wants you to become.
No one is perfect. We will stumble, we will fall, we will need to start over again. We aren't pencils so we don't have erasers but we have something even better. We have God's grace and the forgiveness of sins. It's like a fresh start without the smudges left from an eraser!
Hugs to you all, imperfections are beautiful.
I feel a tad "unfinished", like there is something else I need to say or discover or think about this musing. Who knows perhaps it will come to me and we will have part two about the beauty of imperfections.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blessed Be Your Name

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that sometimes when times are the darkest, the nearer to God we feel. That it is in times of great despair that people need faith and turn toward God and not away. True sometimes people curse God for the "darkness", for horrible events, and for grief and hardship. Yet for those with faith those times are supported by God's loving presence. God can "transform" even the most overwhelming darkness into an opportunity to know Him.  It's impossible to understand the reasons for things of this world yet God is there to guide.
What strikes me as odd is that in times of great joy and abundance sometimes we "forget" God. We don't feel that incredible "need" for his presence and therefore we miss opportunities to celebrate God in our lives when things are good.
"Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name"

                                             Lyrics Blessed Be Your Name (Matt Redman)

It's important in our spiritual lives to "find" God in both times, good and bad. To foster a relationship with him in all aspects of life. How we do this falls into that "spiritual" realm I wrote of earlier. How you find God cannot really be defined by religion but rather in your own spiritual relationship. Religion can give you an idea, a starting place, a framework to foster this closeness but to fully utilize your ability to connect with God, spiritual awareness has to exist not only in the religious but in the mundane aspects of life.

Mundane: 1. lacking interest or excitement; dull. 2. of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one

Either definition can be applied to what I am musing about today.

Sometimes there are every day aspects of life (ordinary, lacking excitement, rather dull) but if we look for God in them it changes the whole nature of the experience. For example: answering a question about scheduling at the middle school, (an earthly experience nothing really spiritual about it) It's rather mundane but when you reflect on the fact that this is the FIRST time for this person, that their nervousness at letting go of their child comes into play then you see God in the experience. To guide or help someone past their fear rather than just answer a question.

Of this earthly world rather than heavenly, God is present here on the earthly realm in correlation to our ability to "bring" him here. I know, I know, He is here all the time but when we bring him into "earthly" matters He enters the realm of human existence again just as Jesus did when He walked the earth.

"I love those who love me; And those that diligently seek me, will find me."  Proverbs 8:17
"I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me. - See more at:
"I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me. - See more at:

Hugs to each of you. Two points to reflect on from today's musing.

1. How can we seek God in times of "being ok" as well as times of need?  Celebrate the good with God as well as seek Him during the difficult times.

2. How do we bring God into our everyday lives, into the mundane tasks that comprise so much of each day?

"I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me. - See more at:
"I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me. - See more at:

Monday, February 24, 2014

Musings, Spiritual and Religious

A few years back I asked a coworker of mine whether she was spiritual or religious. She is a pastor's wife so I was pretty sure of the answer I would get and she didn't fail me. She stated that she was both. At that time I told her I was probably more spiritual than "religious" although then and now I am Methodist. I still think that statement is probably correct as I continue to muse and sort out, where does spiritual end and where does religion begin and can you really have one without the other?

Let's look at some definitions. 

Spiritual: of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Can also be used referring to religion and many use it as one and the same: as in.... of or relating to religion or religious belief

Religion: a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

Religious: relating to or believing in a religion.

Spiritual but not religious (SBNR) is a popular phrase and initials used to self-identify a life stance  of spirituality that rejects traditional organized religion as the sole or most valuable means of furthering spiritual growth. The term is used world-wide, but is most prominent in the United States where one study reports that as many as 33% of people identify as spiritual but not religious.

If you are interested in reading more about spiritual but not religious take a look at  this CNN article written by Linda Mercadante. Good News about the Spiritual but not Religious  Linda Mercadante, is professor of theology at The Methodist Theological School and the founder of Healthy Beliefs-Healthy Spirit.  

The following are my thoughts and musings as of today. Who knows by next week I may have some other ideas. Musings are never set in concrete and are fluid and able to transform or reach different levels.

Thinking about the venn diagram above. I do believe that you can have religion without spirituality. Religion is following a doctrine set up under a specific name. I am not suggesting that there was never prayer, thought, history, etc behind any particular religion. Simply that religions are formed around a core set of beliefs that members believe and follow (or try to). As such, depending on the religion, it may include aspects of spirituality or not. We can all think of religions (or some would say cults) that fit the "definition" of religion but do not seek spirituality.

In turn, I think it is possible to be "spiritual" without religion if you view religion as a predetermined and set group of beliefs that people of the religion adhere to. Being spiritual might include some of those beliefs but not all or may pull from beliefs from a variety of belief systems without rigidly adhering to all of them. Some refer to this as the "salad bar" approach. Take what you like, ignore what you don't. I don't really feel that way about it, but that's material for a whole other post.

Then we have the overlap where religious and spiritual merge. I see this as an area where someone uses the framework of religion to strengthen, support, guide and perhaps even question their spiritual beliefs. In todays world quite honestly there are fewer and fewer members of religions that follow the guidelines of their faith in totality and without question. I believe that where the two are married (religious and spiritual) we have the strongest possibility of traveling the path God wants for us. God provides free will for a reason and if we fail to ever question "religion" then don't we run the risk of being like the Pharisees and scribes?

'Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so practice and observe whatever they tell you—but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long,    (Matthew 23 1-29)

I think perhaps this quotation speaks to the issue. When we become too tied up by "religion" that we actually grow further away from Christ,
Remember we are all different and have so much to learn from each other (even those with different beliefs) Perhaps it is best said in Romans:

"As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind."  (Romans 14 1-23)

Hugs, love and acceptance to all.....This musing is hard work but I share it with you so that perhaps you will get some tiny gem out of it that may help you on your journey in some small way.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Seriously Arizona

Seriously Arizona?  The new bill awaiting a signature by the governor in Arizona allows businesses to refuse service to gay or bisexual couples. All in the name of "religious freedom".
I know I'm treading on controversial ground now but it is my blog and I usually write about what ever I am "musing" about at the time.  I write not to tell you what to believe but to explore what I believe and perhaps to open your own musings about a variety of topics.
Technically the bill opens the door to refusal of service to anyone the owner can claim is in violation of their religious beliefs. That's a BIG door to open up.
I'm not here to argue mine or your beliefs about homosexuality. That's really NOT what is at stake here. You can believe what you want. What is at stake here is a government sanction (in Arizona) to discriminate and hide it behind religious freedom.
I question whether this is "religious freedom" and an owners right to stand behind and live their beliefs or just another way to "excuse" poor behavior toward others.  I'm pretty sure those supporting the bill are primarily "Christian".  Are they ok with the same rights being extended to Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans?
Robert Boston, a spokesman for the Washington-based
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
 told CNN the legislation would "fling the door wide open to discrimination, not just against gay people, but basically to any class of individuals that a religious fundamentalist decides he or she doesn't want to deal with."
We can argue if church and state should be separate. I'd rather not. That's one of those musings I can go on long rambling thoughts about.  I can tell you there are times I believe we need more of God in all aspects of our lives. However, I'd really prefer to see more kindness, more compassion, more common sense and more ethical decisions in the government process and a whole lot less hypocrisy.
I hesitate to include a Bible verse in this post (but I'm going to) because ....quite honestly....I can post my verse and someone else can bring up one that seems to support their belief. In the end, each of us has to reflect, muse, pray, search, meditate and live our lives according to what we discover through the process. I believe people that do that are a whole lot closer to the real life God wants us to live than those that allow hatred and bigotry to seep into their "religious lives."
"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Philippians 2:3-4
Not the one you thought I'd share, right? To me it speaks to the essence of the issue. I can think of a host of other words you could substitute for rivalry and conceit but if you think about it they fit equally well too.
Hugs to all of you and I hope my political ramblings haven't been too much of a controversial muse.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Do You Remember Me?

Oh do Lord, oh do Lord
Oh do you remember me?
Oh do Lord, oh do Lord
Oh do you remember me?
Do Lord, oh do Lord
Oh do you remember me?
Way beyond the blue
Lyrics: Way Beyond the Blue
Do you ever wonder...or maybe even doubt, with all the million and one things going on in this does God remember little old you?  I have to admit, sometimes I do. It's almost like....REALLY you have it pretty good....God has a lot of other important "stuff" to be dealing with.
At times I hate to admit I feel that way about prayer. When some small thing is upsetting me or even a larger thing but nothing "earth shattering" I almost feel like I need to apologize to God if I pray about it.
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."  Matthew 10:29-31 
"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God."   
Luke 12:6
It's at times like that I am reminded of the "sparrow" Bible verses. For if God cares and knows the lowly sparrow then God knows me. It is hard to really comprehend this because we are stuck in "worldly" thinking but God is "heavenly". What seems overwhelming here to us as mere humans is manageable under God's careful guidance.
God doesn't want to know us only when we have something BIG....He wants to be a part of daily life with all the little ups and downs. I have to tell myself that's it's ok to pray about anything at anytime. I can trust God to sort it all out and decide what needs immediate action and what doesn't!

Hugs and hope to each of you!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Weary in the World

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

It has been a long week for a four day week (no school Monday because of the ice) and Friday's still ahead. It's amazing sometimes how time can play tricks on us. Not only does the "time" seem to morph based on a lot of different factors but sometimes events in our lives seem so cloudy and in the distance that we wonder if we really "lived" them.

On one of my other blogs I wrote that sometimes I feel a strange sense of unease, as if there is something just on the edge of my consciousness that I can't identify. The unease isn't necessarily fear but just a sense of "missing" something. Perhaps a sense of unfinished business or a path yet untraveled. I compared it to something hurtling toward me in the darkness, just out of vision and just outside of identifiable. I even in one of my flights of fancy, questioned whether it is perhaps another me in another universe, getting so close to the path I travel in this one that I can sense the "other me." I said it was a "flight of fancy" but who knows. Each universe containing a me that made different choices at key points in life. Interesting to muse outside the confines of time continuums.

Ok, so I went off on a lark there for a minute but musing can take one in circles or on long winding paths that dump you right back where you started. Such as it is this week, as I travel in circles of great faith and great despair.

“The darker the night, the brighter the stars,
The deeper the grief, the closer is God!”  
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
Perhaps it is in times of great despair we are open to depending on great faith. In two different locations in our state (and probably untold others) sad events unfolded involving children. It's easy to despair and think the whole world has gone mad. Quite honestly, I can't argue that it hasn't. Yet somewhere in that "darkness" is a tiny flicker of light. You can feed the darkness or the light.
The Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.
“One is Evil – It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
“The other is Good – It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

      For isn't it true if you stay in the "despair" mind set that you are feeding the darkness whether you intend to or not?  Isn't it only when one can transcend the darkness through faith that light trumps darkness?

Hugs to each of you and may you find the light in the darkness.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Angels, Questions, and Strength

"For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."
Psalms 91:11

Today's one of those days where I need to remind myself of the angels. Where I need to feel the reassuring presence of God.

Be with me
As I  question the deeds of this world
Wrap your loving arms around me and others that need your calming embrace.
Give me strength and the courage to be your hands and feet.
"But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way"
Lyrics "If We are the Body" Casting Crowns

Hugs to all of you and may an angel watch over you each day!


Monday, February 17, 2014

Sin Eaters

There's a rather weird and old tradition dating back to 18th and 19th century Scotland. It is the tradition of the village sin-eater. In this custom, bread and drink were typically place on the body of a deceased person and then a sin-eater was hired (quite cheaply honestly) to eat it, thus in turn taking the un forgiven sins from the dead person into themselves. Sin eaters were typically considered the lowest of the village as once the sins were "consumed" they stayed with the person throughout life. This practice some believe was carried out in the Appalachian areas of the United States, the belief brought over by immigrants. Some believe this practice might have been a misinterpretation or misguided use of a Jewish tradition, in which a goat, representing the sins of the Jewish people was released into the wilderness on Yom Kippur.

Back when I was doing counseling as a LPC, I sometimes compared the emotional exhaustion of dealing with the tragic events as similar to a sin eater. This was a very broad stretch of the idea but I simply meant that without proper self care that the emotional devastation of others can seep into your being and overwhelm you.

It's interesting to me that the "sin eater" consumed bread and drink much in the same way that we come to communion and partake of the "body and blood" of Christ who took away our sins. Yet Christ did so for love rather than material gain and it did not make him "the lowest of the village" but rather a Savior.

In reflecting I am reminded that we do not have to face things alone, whether the burden of sins or other trials and tribulations. We are not alone. We are part of a greater whole. The song of the universe includes each of us. We all carry a part of the tune. Each of us a  puzzle piece of the world that God created and loves.

This soul musing is rather "open ended" isn't it?  It feels like its incomplete. In my musing I never really got to an ending place but rather more questions exist because of my thought processes. That's part of musing, though isn't it?  Musings aren't about short and sweet answers, about knowing the "right answer" but rather about growing in the search. Perhaps this is a topic we shall visit again.

Hugs and Love sent to you. Know that others struggle with the same questions, the same doubts, the same random "what nows" that you do. Seek the answers in your heart.

Friday, February 14, 2014

A Love So Amazing

"He became sin
Who knew no sin
That we might become His righteousness
He humbled Himself and carried the cross
Love so amazing
Love so amazing"
(Jesus Messiah lyrics)
Sometimes we do not feel loved but one only needs to think about Jesus and His great love for us to know that love is a powerful source of strength. Without a great strength, how could He suffer and die so that others need not?
Love so amazing indeed.  I often draw strength from His love because as frail humans our strength, even the mightiest of us, is so weak in comparison. When I'm lost, it is there. When I am happy it is there. When I am seeking it is there. When I think I'm strong enough to stand alone, it is there. Quiet and steady, waiting.
I think that our ability to feel love, even though ours pales in comparison is a great gift. With the ability to love, also comes risk and sometimes sadness. At times one may even question the advisability of even opening that source inside us, the tender part of our souls that allows us to feel love. It has dangers but also great rewards.
Yet, to me, our ability to love (and allow ourselves to be loved by others) is in relation to our ability to reach our soul. To connect with that part of ourselves that has almost a direct connection to God.
Take some time to reflect on love and know that God has given you an ability to reach the deepest level of your being.
Hugs and love from me to you!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Light Trumps Darkness

The pastor talked about "the light" in today's message and I wanted to take a few moments to muse about this idea. Light and darkness are often used metaphorically to speak of good and evil, good times and bad times, happiness and depression, all types of polar opposites.

I know in recent years there has been a lot of theoretical discussion about whether there really is "evil."  It seems lately in our politically correct world we "water down" concepts or ideas or even reality. I won't go in to great detail about my thoughts about this topic (evil) in this post as I realize that might be something that I want to muse about all on its own. So let's get back to the light.......

Part of the message was about hiding your light under a basket or concealing it in some other way. I can take this idea in several different directions. Each one speaks to the "why" of feeling hesitant to share "the light."

One would be that you don't recognize your own light, your own strengths, the opportunities you have to make a difference. You "down play" your importance in this world. Some of us want to avoid "tooting our own horns" so much that we fail to recognize the importance we can have in every day life. You don't have to travel half way across the world to "help" someone. Nor do you have to be in a position of power or authority.

I'm going to go in a direction now that might annoy some people. Remember I am "musing" as I write. This is one of those ideas that I have visited many times in my mind. The thing about musings is they change and evolve over time. They are not a constant but ever growing and seeking.

I am going to say......
that people that constantly "preach" their faith are a bit of a put off to most people. Sometimes they even use their "faith" as an excuse for things. The excuses are usually pretty shallow. A mere attempt to avoid real thought, prayer, reflection and insight replacing that instead with a regimented approach.

I can hear the gasps and complaints even as I type these words. I understand fully the idea of "sharing God" with others but I do not think it has to be a full frontal blast.  You can share probably more so by "doing" than by "preaching". Live your faith.  Setting an example through "doing" and "living" sends a much more powerful message than simple words. Yes at some point it is germane to share God's name or prayers but if you really want to open that door for it through "shining some light in the darkness" first. Open the door on the darkness and let that be a beacon.

Another reason I think we "hide our light" is that sharing it is a lot of work. It's messy, it may create anxiety or sadness, it may put us in positions we would rather avoid. How so? you may be asking. Being aware of the world around us, the ugliness of some situations can create anxiety or sadness. When I worked as a LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) this was something I struggled with. Some people's life situations are just sad, they didn't "ask for" some of the bad things that happened to them, and their life quite honestly really is bleak. It bears on one's heart and soul. It can engulf you.  Truthfully, its easier to hide in our comfortable world and avoid recognizing the other worlds out there. I'm not sure how you avoid this...except through taking care of your own spiritual self first then proceeding into the darkness.

This bible verse reminds me of something my daughter said one day about "light always trumps darkness." It made me think. There is always going to be darkness in the world but in our hearts and in our souls we need to remember and BELIEVE that it will always be trumped by light. We will always be able to outshine the darkness.

This my friends is how we move past the fear of sharing our light, the despair we may sometimes feel that we can't make a difference, the suffocating question of whether there is just too much darkness out there for us to make a difference.
Hugs to you.  I hope this post has at least made you think about your light and how you might share it in some small way.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Bear with Me, Lord

Bear with me as I find my way
Through this world.
It's complicated.
Answers do not always come easy
Bear with me
When I make mistakes
When I do not have the courage
To do the things You planned for me.
Bear with me
When I miss Your voice
In the noise of this crazy world.
Here is something I ponder a do I know it's God?  Am I missing His voice with all the craziness of everyday life?  Hello....I wish He had a ringing bell or something He sounds when He is trying to speak to me, or nudge me in a specific direction. I doubt myself. Is it really what God wants or am I reading my own wants and needs and personal wishes into it?
"A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps".
Proverbs 14:15
I'm sure I am going to misinterpret some Bible verses here. I told you in the first post that I'm not a Biblical scholar. I have to work with what I have.
My problem, perhaps is not believing "anything" but being overly cautious. I think it is wise to stop and think before action. To this really what I am supposed to be doing? To question that some project or idea we take on is the right direction and not just something we are consumed with for some other reason all together. Hearing God's voice against the background noise of life is hard.
"For God does speak—now one way, now another
    though no one perceives it.
In a dream, in a vision of the night,
    when deep sleep falls on people
    as they slumber in their beds."
                                                                       Job 33 14-15

I've always thought God speaks to me in "strange ways".  Hearing just the "right" song when I need a message from it. Leading me to people who share their stories with me and help me grow in unexpected ways. Books that I "choose" to read that take me on adventures of the soul I might otherwise miss. Giving me the words to speak or write that might be helpful to someone. Or giving me an awesome quote that directs my life.

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries and you rejoice."
   Native American Proverb

Sometimes I'm like this little polar bear...and I want to say to God..."stop already". I can't take one more whisper, one more "hidden meaning", one more nudge. It usually doesn't last long though....musing is as natural as humming (to me). So I rest, have a little fun, don't stress about it...and pretty soon...another little gem pops up in my life...that adds dimension, sparkle, understanding and joy. Soul musings....
Hugs from me to each of you. May you experience the joy of life.


Friday, February 7, 2014

Better is One Day in Your Courts

                                                    "Better is one day in Your courts
                                                      Better is one day in Your house
                                                      Better is one day in Your courts
                                                      Than thousands elsewhere"
                                                                                        (lyrics Matt Redman)

Another inspiring song based in part on

'Better is one day in your courts
    than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
    than dwell in the tents of the wicked."

Psalm 84:10  NIV

Which took my mind in several directions but I want to think a little about the house of the Lord and our perceptions of it. I know many have pondered the idea that the church (the building) is not the more global definition of the term "church". Where do you find God? Where would "your courts" be.? Traditionally, I'm sure the courtyards of the temple but I'm not very good at sticking with "traditional" these days.

I would suggest that the "courtyards" are broader in definition. "Better is one day in your courts" Better is one day in the presence of God than thousands elsewhere. No brainer, right? But how do you "define" in the presence of God?

Beautiful, isn't it. However beauty is not a good definition of God's presence. He may very well be here in this lovely church and the history of this traditional church setting certainly causes one to catch their breath at the beauty of the spiritual setting.
But how about here....
Or here.......
Or here.....
Or even for that
And I would further hypothesize that God's presence is also in horrific and quite ugly places not just in the beauty of nature or church gatherings. I won't bother you with horrific pictures of storms, earthquakes and a multitude of other disasters and "ugly images"
'Better is one day in Your courts" pertains to those places just as much if not more so than the places or moments of beauty. In fact "to find You in the place Your glory dwells' could refer to being present in the most horrific places, as well as seeing the beauty of God in rainbows, majestic mountains and other lovely sights. God's glory dwells everywhere not just those places we are "comfortable" seeing it. In fact, God's glory is most likely needed more so in those horrific times, those times of grief, those times of being lost.
I will remind myself of this. "Better is one day in Your courts" isn't covered just by attending church on Sunday. I need to seek and find the glory of God (be in His courts) at all those other times too. Comforting a sick friend, helping the hungry, taking the time to listen even when I'm busy, being patient even when I'd rather not, finding the right words to say, finding the right direction to head, and finding the right thoughts to share here on this blog. All of those fit...."one day in Your courts" and "find You in the place Your glory dwells."
I feel I rambled a bit today, forgive me, soul musings are often messy, and complicated and incomplete....they take time to formulate and resonant.
Maybe you will take some time to reflect on "Your courts" and "the place Your glory dwells.'  Please leave a comment if you'd like to share your thoughts. As you can tell I am transformed by the stories I hear, the ideas people share, the songs people sing...anything can be a gem for soul musings.  
 Hugs and may you know that your stories are the breath of life and meaningful.

Soul Care 2020

I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...