Sunday, May 29, 2016

In the Rear View Mirror: May

The month of May is coming to an end and as so often happens life steps in and things get put "on the back burner." Never is this more obvious for me than in keeping up with my writing and even more importantly spiritual musings. It take a long time to grow a spiritual "self". to connect with God and to bring that relationship into being in your own world. At times our minds become so crowded with "little things" and "big things", important and not so important leeches that drain our souls of the joy God promised.

May was my month to reflect of the fruit of the spirit: kindness and something came into a better focus on the "screen" of my life....true kindness ....blooms even when we are surrounded by struggles. Helping a friend when you have 200 other things to be doing is such a blessed act of kindness that it almost transcends the awkward busyness of our lives,

I think perhaps the tenderhearted kindness spoken of in Ephesians 4:32 is a little more difficult to model. We are quick to anger, slow to forgive and sometimes carry those wounds with us for a long time. I spent a little time thinking about how often I have probably disappointed God. Not doing it for a "downer" but for an honest evaluation of just where I stand. Humble and Human. Yet God through Christ forgives all. He does not keep in his heart the 101 times I have let him down, ignored him, doubted him, but simply forgives and moves on. That is a hard kindness to model here in this busy and sometimes cruel world.

But remember how I'm always writing about how we are "becoming"? How life is a continuous journey of faith and spiritual relationship with God.?  Kindness helps us on that upward spiral toward "becoming." It grows our spirit and strengthens our soul. It sends out that tender shoot from the darkness toward the light. Now as I've mentioned before....being kind doesn't mean letting others walk all over you or take advantage of you. God knows all about boundaries. It simply means to strive for a kinder word, a friendly helping hand and sometimes forgiveness even where none is "really" deserved.

 Kindness helps us rise to a higher the process of lifting others we do far more to lift ourselves. We remember what being human is all about and that we are called to live this life to the fullest through our interactions with others, not alone and isolated.  It's hard, that balance between doing the "right" thing, doing nothing, and doing the right thing in the right way. May is in the rear view mirror but kindness still exists. Let's not forget it.

Hugs to each of you and please let kindness guide your words and actions.

Soul Care 2020

I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...