Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Love So Amazing

“But whoever drinks the water I give then will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

 Christ was the very first Christmas present ever and this single gift changed the course of humankind forever.

No way as mere humans can we understand God’s plan in giving us Christ. A love so amazing indeed. I alluded to in my last post that this “journey to Christmas” started a long time before any of us were born and before the birth of Christ as well. God’s plan was grand and he let it simmer until just the right moment.

God created us in His image, he gave us opportunity after opportunity to embrace him and to understand the lessons he sent our way. Eventually, however he realized that we were having trouble relating to the heavenly messages he presented. He devised a plan to send a part of Himself, his son, to earth to journey with us on the human path. To experience humanly temptations, to feel the pull of everyday life and to reach us in ways that perhaps we might understand just a little bit better. 

I’ve often wondered why one of the first miracles performed in the Gospel of John is the turning of water into wine at a wedding. At first glance, it seems such a mundane miracle. Not something worthy of the Savior. A ‘waste” if you may of a perfectly good miracle. Yet after reflection, how perfectly “human’ this miracle seems but how gloriously heavenly it is. 

It is a glimpse into the life that Jesus led. Common and miraculous all at the same time. It is this life that God calls us to, on our journey to Christmas. While none will walk the path that Christ walked, we are each called to be not only common but miraculous as well. It is in this season that we are called to give more freely, to love deeply, and to understand that the nature of our life here on earth is one of becoming more closely connected to our Father. 

How profound and moving that God has given each of us this opportunity. Use it wisely. Yet this first step on the path, only leads us to something grander, tugging at our hearts. We know the Christmas story is one of hope, of forgiveness, of redemption.  

Choose your path to Christmas wisely.

Hugs everyone! 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Journey to Christmas

I’ve been thinking a lot about Christmas lately. Haven’t we all, what with shopping, and concerts, and house cleaning to do. I wrote a blog post over at Ginger’s Journey as few years ago about the path to Christmas. Traveling along that road each year can be a peaceful inspiring journey. It can also be a melancholy trip depending on what we focus on.

I’d like to blog “The Journey to Christmas” this year. I’m not promising a daily post because whenever I set lofty goals I tend to fall short. The Journey to Christmas started long ago before I was born and before you were too. In fact it started even before the birth of Christ. It started as a deep meaningful love from God to each of us. It came about because of this enduring and graceful love that our God offers us. He knew we needed help on this path through a tumultuous world. He devised a plan so simple yet incredibly generous.

As we move through the next few weeks, caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the excitement and the exhaustion, the meaningful and the mundane will seep into our journey. Look for the unexpected. Wait for the message of hope and listen for the whispers God sends our way.

Hugs to each of you on this trip, this journey to Christmas, and beyond.

Soul Care 2020

I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...