Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Here I Am

I've written before about doors, and knocks, and seeking. Who is knocking at your door? Is it the world with all it's whims, and lures and glittering gold? Have we hung out the "do not disturb" sign? It's strange sometimes I can hear the knock, feel the embrace and listen to the whispered words of love and at other times it seems distant and foreign. Is that lack of faith?  I don't think so. 
It is like a poor connection on a cell phone. "Can you hear me now." God might be saying. It is not loss of faith but simply the language of the soul once again being drowned out by the busyness of this humanly existence. While we like to think that our faith is a strong constant lifeline; it isn't. At least that's not the way I seem to experience it.  Oh sure there are "in the trenches" faithful that pray only in times of great need and their thoughts of God fade quickly with the passing crisis. Yet I also think there are very faithful believers who experience these times of "disconnect."  It is what you do during those times that determines whether you become lost on the path to spiritual growth.
"I stand at the door and knock." Yes Lord, I hear you. May you stand patiently waiting for me to stumble about in the darkness and find the light that guides me to the door.  
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door. Yes I do hear you. My house is a mess Lord; if only I had a moment to straighten it before I let you in. I struggle to find the key. The door is locked sometimes Lord, not from you but from my own fear. I so easily make a mess of things.
"I will come in." Yes Lord please do come in. Don't let my slowness block your entry.
"And eat with him and he with me."  Yes Lord we will eat together and your bread will be my salvation.
Here I am Lord.
Hugs to each of you, may you always find the light on and the key ready when the Lord knocks.

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