Sunday, March 8, 2015

Square Pegs, Pits, and Stumbling Blocks

I've been a little weary of late, physically, emotionally and perhaps a bit spiritually also. I'm weary not through lack of desire for a deeper., more meaningful relationship with God but perhaps from discovering what that really means. It comes to mind that this is a pit (as I wrote about in a previous post). It's a pit of doubt, a pit about the "right" way of "being."

I feel a bit like I'm a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.  The truth is I don't mind others being in the round holes. I'm okay with that. I think it works for them and therefore is most likely exactly where God wants them to be. Some people call them "traditionalists" but that's just a word. I don't consider myself a traditionalist, although again that is just the way I view myself. Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with traditionalists. They serve as the backbone of faith. It just doesn't feel like my path.

While I was pondering this I came across the above. Definitely not disillusioned with the spiritual search but can see how others reach that point quite quickly in today's world. The only way to combat it is through conversation with God and musing about your own personal relationship to God. No one else has the same relationship to Him that you do. God isn't a one size fits all. That's not to say there aren't very basic aspects of God that stay the same from person to person. It's just to point out that you might "know" God in a different way than I do and honestly I think that's ok. While saying that I must point out that there may be many that don't agree with that. They want you to fit into the round hole because it makes them more certain that their relationship with God is "correct."
Here's a little thought from our I Am Bible study.....
"When you find yourself in an unwanted place, you know that place in not a destination."  It's just a stopping place. Some stopping places are dark and dreary and we can't wait to move on but others are cozy and comfy and we tend to want to stay exactly where we are. Yet our spiritual quest is a journey, one whose destination you will not discover in this lifetime.  To me there is just as much "danger" in the comfy places that we don't want to leave as there is in the dark places. Oh be it, a different type of danger. The danger of stunted growth, of withering on the vine, of missing some aspect of the journey that God has planned for you.
I have written before about "becoming" and how is one to become if they stop evolving, stop questioning, stop considering?  If they are so comfortable with their "spot" that they stop venturing down the path.  As I was shaken in my own personal spiritual quest, as I started to stumble over that block, as I was getting caught up in "being right" or perhaps worried that other people's paths might be the "right" one...I was reminded by God that the "next step" was to stop worrying about it. God has this one! Where He leads I will follow and if it's a different path than others, I suppose I will rejoice in God making me a square peg rather than worrying about the round holes!
Hugs to everyone...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Cross

It's March and the focus of Soul Care for March is The Cross. As I started writing this two things came to mind. The cross as a symbol and the cross as a way of life.
Something weird came to mind...The Mockingjay, from the Hunger Games series. The Mockingjay came to symbolize freedom, change, a call to rebellion so to speak.  Symbols are like that, they mobilize people. They take a lot of really BIG concepts and ideals and roll them into a symbol that pulls people together for a common cause.

The cross is probably one of the best know symbols of Christianity yet at the same time, it's origins are pretty common. Crucifixion on the cross was a common method of death in Jesus's time. It wasn't as if Jesus's death was "unique", at least in regards to method. Furthermore the symbol of a cross can be found throughout history, previous to Jesus's time. In fact the symbol of the cross as used in Christianity didn't come into existence until several centuries after Christ's death. So you may be asking...what does all this mean? What does it matter?  In truth, I'm not sure. Let's ponder it a bit.

Why do symbols exists?  I would propose that they exist as a means of drawing one in deeper to an understanding of a concept, a belief, that might just be "over your head" otherwise. Jesus came to us in human form to live the human experience. It makes sense to me that his death would be a human death. He wouldn't get some "special" treatment as his final hours drew near. Instead quite the opposite. He was dealt with in death as a common thief might be. The cross connects us to Jesus not at his heavenly level but at his most human. What good would it do to seek out or create a "heavenly" symbol of His death?  Who would even be able to relate to that?

I know that the belief is that it is Jesus's death on the cross that is the ultimate gift, a sacrifice for our sins and while I don't discount that....I truly belief that Jesus's life as a man was his ultimate gift to us. Yes He shed His blood for us but that is but the final act. His true gift was his journey through life.

And that brings us to the cross as a way of life. We can simply place our eyes upon the cross, the death of Jesus and his gift to us of eternal life OR we can place our eyes on His life. I'm not saying the first is wrong or that we shouldn't do that. I am simply challenging us to look beyond the final moments on the cross. I have written before about walking the paths of life and what better guide to have than Christ Himself? Open your mind and yourself to more than just the symbolism of the cross. Seek Christ as his journey through life.  The cross is but the final act in the greatest story of all time.

Hugs to each of you as we start this journey through the month of March. This week is prayer week so please focus on a better understanding of Jesus's life and what it means for our own.

Soul Care 2020

I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...