Monday, January 15, 2018

Messages from Self

I've written before about listening for God's whispers, those messages from the universe that lead to great discoveries. There's another kind of message that we receive daily, messages from self. Sometimes the messages are helpful and some times not so much. Let's examine the different types of messages that might flow into your life.

Some times the messages are like drops of rain. They slowly descend into our minds like little pings of rain. They can be gentle and soothing or they can hit hard and sting. These drops occur off and on over time. Pay attention to them or they can become a thunderstorm. These are little subconscious messages, at times they are warnings that if ignored create problems. People often refer to the raindrops as intuition, gut feelings that are best listened to.  

Other messages are like the gentle ebb and flow of the seasons, creating a cycle in our lives. Some cycles, like the seasons are useful and fill a need within us of a pattern of existence. However other cycles are less useful and become a vicious repetition that we long to break but feel trapped or defined by. These cycles send messages that make us doubt ourselves, that diminish who we are, and rob us of the joy we are suppose to experience in life.

The important thing to remember about self messages is that we do have control over them. We can filter our messages into a gentle flow that doesn't overwhelm us but rather supports us. Yet the very most important thing about our messages is that what we seek is what we find. We are influenced by the messages both from self and others that we let into our lives. It always reminds me of this quote:

Guard carefully the things you embrace, the seeds that you plant and the path you follow. What you seek is also seeking you. It is a dual relationship that you can bring into being. Take care that your messages move you closer to the things you want. 

Hugs and may your week be filled with messages that you can embrace and bring into being.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Inactivity and God's Messages

It's January 10th and I still have assorted Christmas decorations bunched in groups here and there waiting for my inspired organization to set in that will facilitate them being put away and stored in a wonderful new system, Yeah. right. I have to admit this has been my least productive first ten days to the year EVER.

As I was just about to get busy this morning and tackle that to do list which has been lingering in my planner, I suddenly remembered my commitment to writing more. Procrastination? Most likely but then this little whisper in my head asked me...."how does this inactivity in the mundane things is life relate to inactivity in our spiritual relationship to God." Is He always on the back burner? Do we waste the precious moments that he sends our way?

So before you moan that you don't have one more second to spend on anything, let alone your spiritual journey, let me assure you that the journey is best walked in the midst of our every day tasks, interwoven into all the little (and big) things that comprise our days. The spiritual journey is not some separate entity that lingers just out of reach. Rather it is the journey that we walk every day. Not apart from us but in us.

Now none of that really explains my inactivity. What am I doing with my days? I'm not even sure. I'm not engrossed in TV, or writing or art journaling. I'm not even spending time online. It's like I'm in a sustained state on inactivity. Oh yes, I'm accomplishing a few things each day but certainly nothing to cheer about. Maybe it is a cocoon of hibernation?  Good intentions have not brought it to an end but today...writing feels different. As if a seed of inspiration has been germinating and has suddenly taken root. I have written before about finding joy in the mundane, in knowing God's love through even the smallest tasks, perhaps just perhaps that inactivity was meant to remind me of this. That each thing we do, no matter how small and no matter how ordinary is a step on a journey of discovery.

Hugs to each of you and may your to do lists always include the joy of walking the spiritual journey every day.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Conversations with God 2018

We are nine days into 2018 and one of the things I wanted to do in 2018 is start blogging again. Blogging is easy on the best of days when ideas flow and the internal critic does not limit the flow of words onto the page. It's hard on days when no ideas seem to present themselves for dissection. It's extremely difficult on days when one lets the doubt of self expression creep into the mind and sometimes into the soul. The whole " I have nothing worthwhile to say" permeates and discourages.

Writing doesn't happen in isolation. It happens from nudges and whispers, from a kaleidoscope of things, both external events and internal musings. Often here at Soul Musings I am guided by my spiritual wonderings, whispers from God and topics that just keep presenting themselves for consideration. Sometimes there are things I feel compelled to write about because for me writing is a method of sorting through things, bringing myself to a higher level of  awareness. As I've mentioned before I primarily write for myself and if in the process something I write is helpful to someone else in some small way then that is an added plus. 

Conversations with God 2018 is a series of topics I hope to ponder. God calls us not to accept the world as it is but to work toward a more compassionate, loving world. Not an easy thing in 2018. I don't have a predetermined list, I am counting on God to present to me the things that I need to reflect on. He has a unique way of doing this. Sometimes he hits me over the head with it and at other times there are gentle nudges. At times a person wanders into my life that is the seed of spiritual reflection. Surprisingly, or maybe not, this is not always a "church person" or someone whose life is dedicated in the typical way to God. I learn from all for as 1Thessaionians 5:21 instructs us.....

"Test all things, hold fast to that which is good."

Hugs to each of you as we embark on this journey through 2018. May God's conversations with you bless you life in unexpected ways. 

Soul Care 2020

I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...