Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Divided Soul: Learning the Language of the Soul

I wanted to write this blog post about the divided soul or at least my thoughts about it before I forget. Last time I pondered that it is easy to know the language of the body, the earthly realm we are all too familiar with. It is the language of the soul that we seem to have forgotten. I hypothesized that it is easy to focus on the body and our human existence because it is something we know and understand. Less so our soul and spiritual self.

I wanted to start out by sharing what I jotted in my planner back of May 16th when I first read the daily devotional that mentioned the "divided soul". It came to mind immediately that we know the language of the body. Which then brought to mind the question.... "How do we learn the language of the spirit.". I love jotting thoughts down in my planner because now days they "escape me" as quickly as they pop into my mind. So right away I started jotting down ways I think we learn the language of the soul. I continued adding to it during the day. Then tonight I decided to type "language of the soul" into Google.....

It's not one I had on my list but I think it's a great thought. Laughter allows us to let go of all those humanly things that hold us back and most certainly lifts the heart.

Music is so uplifting to the spirit. Sometimes when I'm feeling "down" just a good song is enough to lift my mood.

I don't really dance all that well but it is certainly a joyous thing to do!

Meditation is something that often allows me to connect some deep thoughts or suddenly come up with a creative idea. It reaches deep inside to channel unique thoughts.

Love....of course....yet at times isn't it difficult to tap into this feeling of love. We get so caught up in the business of life we forget.

Write...I did have that on the list because it is through writing that I often make the most powerful connections to myself and God.

Poetry of course is a form of writing but it is well known for accessing emotions.
When I look again at the list in my planner and at the ones I found on the internet, I have to ask myself "What do they have in common."  To me they transcend the human nature of our existence. They let us disconnect, just for a bit from all the helter skelter craziness of life on earth. In doing so we gain a glimpse into something much bigger, more profound. My list also included pray, seek, notice and listen (as well as some other things). Things we do far too seldom.
 Do you take the time to notice, really notice the world around you? To truly listen to not only people's voices but the sounds of nature. Do you seek God in your prayers. Do you seek to understand? Not just God but life, people, questions, thoughts, etc. I will strive to do this more and more because I think all of these things are the language of the soul.
Hugs to all of you. May you laugh and love and pray and seek. Notice the world everyday by looking at it through new eyes. 

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