Saturday, December 27, 2014

Soul Care 2015 Idea

If you have been reading previous posts, you know we are about to embark on a Soul Care journey in 2015.  It's as new for me as it is for you, so we will tread these waters know... "Get out of the boat."

One of the weeks is an Express It week, where we look at our focus, our conversations with God and our own lives and express them in some creative endeavor.  I was planning to start an art journal devoted to just the express it weeks but I never managed to get to Hobby Lobby and pick up the art journal. They have ones I have used before and I really like them. I will tell you with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season I was a bit frustrated at not being able to pick one up....but lo and behold of course God had another plan.

This morning while wandering around Walmart, picking up a few things...I came upon the planner section.  I need a new daily planner for 2015 so I stopped to take a look. Hmmm...I saw an inspirational weekly planner with a floral cover... it was cute but the cover just wasn't "me". (I know I'm far too picky.) Wait...right above it...I saw this ....

Now God knows me...right!  Then my mind started churning and I thought...this could be my Soul Care planner, with sections for journaling and my Express It week's project all in one. I'm not expecting everyone to journal/create daily as for some people that's just not their thing. God knows that but He also knows me and I honestly feel like He lead me to this.  I think he is nudging me or well, maybe even pushing me to extend myself a little bit more, to really delve into this Soul Care project.  Planner cost is 7.98 at our Walmart and so it would be close to that at most Walmarts. There is the floral version also for the same price.
There are monthly calendars where I can plot out our Soul Care journey, write random thoughts, remind myself to pray, etc.  It becomes an Express It project when I add little doodles, paint the page or whatever creative idea pops into my head. Do not expect great art work... I will use this only for Soul Care so my daily tasks  do not clutter the page or my thoughts.

There are individual sections where I can write down the Bible verse for the week/month, or journal my thoughts or conversations with God. Again I can use these pages during Express It week to add some art and creativity to the study.  Each daily planner page comes with a Bible verse at the top of the right page so it's another nice way to reflect on God's word.

Now PLEASE, PLEASE, not feel like you have to buy a planner to do the Soul Care for 2015. You most certainly do not. I just wanted to share the idea in case someone wants to.  You could do the same thing with a journal, index cards or an old spiral notebook.
Or perhaps you will go a whole other direction. No matter how little or how much you do...Soul Care is about taking little baby steps in our relationship with God. Even if all you do is read the blog posts and have taken a little step toward a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God and our Savior.

Hugs to all....I will be back in January to start our journey together.

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