Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Planners and Prayers

I wanted to share with you something I have started doing that helps me keep my spiritual journey foremost in my mind. This is my daytimer. Yes my simple planner that I carry with me to write down appointments. This one happens to be a family one with space for other family members but I really don't need all of that. Hey it was on clearance... :)
On this page I wrote a bible verse in the upper right corner....and then on those daily sections I wrote it again with the purpose of focusing on each tiny bit of the verse on each of those days. So on Monday: "How great is our Lord."
There's no rhyme or reason to why I decided to do that....it just popped into my head. It was interesting musing the tiny tidbits throughout the day and then the complete verse at the end of the week.
Here's another page...nothing fancy,...,,just doodles, thoughts, and bible verses. Not everything is of a spiritual nature. It doesn't matter. What matters is that my prayers, thoughts, spiritual beliefs, etc are jotted down where I see them often and am reminded to not neglect the spiritual quest in favor of this crazy hectic world.
In addition, when I have to get out my planner to take notes, mark appointments, etc it serves as a visual message to others. Do I believe that someone reading something in my planner will be transformed? No but I don't think it hurts for others to see someone living their faith either.
Now in addition to my daytimer that I carry with me I also have a home notebook. This has evolved over the years from one form to another but just recently I decided to add a prayer section. The picture above shows the prayer list for May (it's not filled in yet, duh!) I'll also be doodling and adding some color to it through out the month. I want this list to help me stay focused on praying for others and myself in a meaningful way.  Besides the list I also found this next form (below). I won't fill it out every day but will try to do it several times throughout the month.
I know the prayer request part is similar but I wanted to also have some copies of it in my notebook because I like the section about Answers to prayer/Hand of God in my life today. It reminds me to notice God in my life. For example just recently I was praying daily for someone who was struggling. Over time, things appeared to get easier for this person. I need to remember to note God's loving grace in my life and the lives of others.
Hugs everyone. I know this is not my typical post but I hope you have perhaps gained some small tidbit that might help you on your spiritual journey.

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