Sunday, November 23, 2014

Who Do You Say I Am?

When I was contemplating what I might write here at Soul Musings, I came across this image and it struck me as profound. I'm not looking for the cliché answers, savior, messiah, Son of God, which while quite correct, fall easily from one's lips without a lot of thought.  I've ponder this before in an earlier post: Who is Jesus?  Yet I feel drawn to muse about it some more, perhaps in a different way. What I mean I suppose is summed up in

Matthew 16: 15     “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

So that, I suppose, is my question to you (and to myself) Who do I say Jesus is? How would you fill in the blank? While all the "correct answers" are full of meaning and importance, it is the personal answer that will enhance your connection to Christ. 

Let's face it, the world today is not in many, many ways the same world that Christ walked in. Often people struggle to understand the Bible because of just this fact. How are we to translate the messages of the Bible into daily living in a world that seems to ensnare us in situations that are so different than in biblical times. Not only that but even some of the common customs and ways of life during Jesus's time no longer even exist.

That makes it even more important to have your own personal answer to "Who is Jesus?"
Let's take "messiah" for example. Even that word has a more mundane and humanly definition. "A leader or savior of a particular group or cause."

I remember in my study of the Gospel of John, in one or two of the verses John, was referred to as the disciple Jesus loved. When I think..."who do you say I am?" I think I'd answer "the one who loves me."  After all isn't that right?  That lovely phrase was not just reserved for John but for each and everyone of us.

Regardless of how times have changed, no matter the customs and ways of life that exist today, that one aspect...Jesus is the one who loves me... never changes.

Hugs to each of you and may you have a blessed Thanksgiving week (for those here in the U.S.).

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