Sunday, November 9, 2014

Living a Thankful Life

It's November so, of course, thoughts turn to being thankful. I firmly believe people would live a more joyous life if we could train ourselves to see what we have instead of what we don't. For years I wished I lived in a bigger house, could afford nicer clothes, and take fancy trips until I realized just how much that "envy" was coloring the life I was living.

Instead, I began to focus on just what I do have and realized I have been blessed, and blessed, and blessed over and over again. It's not just the appreciation of the things I have but a different frame of mind. It's not just realizing how much I have in comparison to so many in this world. It's actually a deeper spiritual relationship with God and those around me .After all we all say "things don't matter" but in many of our hearts we still allow them to. I used to be stuck in this warp between pretending to care nothing for the things of this life to yearning to have more and better things.

Now, instead, I love and appreciate the things I do have. As long as these things do not rule our hearts God wants us to rejoice in the beauty of this life.  When I get the temptation to want more or bigger or better I remind myself of all that I do have. I appreciate small things. I also count among my blessings the people in my life, our memories, our laughter, our silly adventures. Those truly are way more important than the house I live in or the shoes I wear.

Sometimes, when times are very, very hard it is difficult to find things to be thankful for. It's sad but true. That's when I turn to God for some direction and without fail things seem to improve, or my heart feels a little lighter. It is not ours to know why things unfold they do here on earth but we must be secure in the knowledge that God has a plan for us.

Hugs to each and everyone of you. I hope you have many things to be thankful for and know that God's love is one of them!

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