Sunday, January 4, 2015

January Week One Beginnings

So it's finally here! Day one of week one. The journey really doesn't start here. This is just an artificial starting point. Your journey with God and your journey with soul care actually started long before this. If you signed up to participate in the "event" you've been finding this path for a long time, perhaps you just didn't know it!
Soul Care 2015 Event (all are invited! click the link and join)
Before we start musing about our January theme: Beginnings,  I want to do a bit of "housekeeping." There are three places I will be posting about our journey. Here on the blog, on the Facebook page and on the Soul Care 2015 event page. For some of you that is going to be a bit redundant. The reason is that different people are in different places, only people that accepted the event invitation will see what is posted on the event page and only people that "like" the Facebook page will see things posted there, so I feel a "need" at least for now to post on all three as I don't know who is reading what. I want anyone who wants to read about our journey to be able to do so.
Week One is Prayer Week. When I was setting up the framework I considered started with Bible Verse Week but to many of us Bible verses are written words that seem tangled in meaning and are more "intellectual" in nature. Delving into a deeper relationship with God doesn't involve staying in our heads, it requires us to reach into our hearts. Prayer does that.
This week for prayer week spend some time praying (as often as you decide) about beginnings. It can be your own beginning (this soul care journey, beginning a new job, a new phase of life whatever seems to be coming into being in your life) OR it can be a beginning for someone you know, a friend or family member with a new job, with a loss, with a new baby or marriage) OR it can be for the world in general as we begin a new year. You might decide to do all three, it's totally up to you.
I want to suggest (and everything here is a suggestion really, as you are in control of your own path) that you pray as in conversation. In other words, our prayer focus is not going to be us telling God what we want or hope for but rather us having a conversation with God and "listening" to what he has to tell us about this beginning.
During your prayer (and it can be long or short) pause at times to just be still and listen , perhaps not with your ears but with your heart. Hear God's whispers as he guides us.
Dear God
Please guide me as we begin our soul care journey.
That we will increase our love, faith, and joy through a deeper relationship with you.
Show me the way. That my light can shine, not on me, but for you. Tell me the path you want me to walk.
As the new year begins, I will listen for your voice.
Hugs to each of you as we start an adventure, I pray for each of you to have a closer walk with God in 2015.

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