Monday, June 9, 2014

Festivals, Water, and Doubt

Gospel of John: Chapter 7

Once again in chapter seven we have Jesus speaking of the "living water."  Water gives us life. Without it we would die from thirst. Jesus is the living water of our spiritual lives, without him we die.

There is much talk, questioning and doubt during the time of the Festival of Tabernacles. Jesus's brothers urged him to go to the festival to show himself to the world. "No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret." John 7: 4

At first Jesus does not attend but halfway through he does appear at the festival and begins to teach. There is a great division among people about who Jesus is. One of the main sticking points became the belief that a "prophet does not come from Galilee". Rather it was foretold that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem.  Was it not known that Jesus was born in Bethlehem or was the tradition that where you come from was based on your hometown rather than place of birth?

The doubt amongst the Jewish leaders grows and Nicodemus speaks up in defense of Jesus only to be shut down rather quickly.

This is a turbulent time. The end is near and even as Jesus knows it, He continues to teach. There comes a time when they try to seize Jesus but no one laid a hand upon him because his hour had not yet come. The crowds begin to waiver towards Jesus asking, "When the Messiah comes will he perform more signs than this man?" This whispering and belief is what incises the Pharisees. They cannot allow Jesus to achieve any momentum or power.
On the last day of the festival Jesus again says:
"Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink." John 7: 37
It's easy to feel the energy and the mob mentality in chapter seven. It is so similar to secular examples in today's world. New fads, political bickering, disbelief and maneuvering. There is much turbulence in the world today. Yet where is the living water?  While Jesus did not truly act "in secret" he was not an "in your face rebel" either. He was calm, he was assured, and when the time was right he spoke his mind. In chapter seven you sense a certain frustration when the Pharisees assert that he can not testify on his own behalf but overall he simply teaches.
Again I ask; In today's world where is the living water? There are preachers on street corners, evangelists on TV and multibillion dollar churches, yet I doubt the living water is in them. If Jesus is the living water, where is he?  He is in the small churches, the individual acts of kindness, the prayers in secret, the songs of celebration and in those that search. He's just not an "in your face" sort of guy. He prefers that those who seek him, find him in the stillness of life, in the smiles of strangers and in the loving touch of a friend. He said "You do not know me or my Father"  Know him, not because you sit in a church pew every week but because you find him in the simple things in life. Things as simple as water.
Hugs to all. I'm off on a vacation so won't be posting for a bit. Until then drink of the simple love and kindness of a life well lived and know that He is there also.

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