Monday, February 6, 2017

February Peace

In February I am going to focus on the word PEACE as described throughout the Bible. In today's troubled world I believe that turning our hearts and energy into this particular focus might be helpful in comforting our souls.

I am reminded that God speaks of a peace much greater than any the world can offer. Lately I've been anxious and troubled about several key things and each time those things enter into my mind, my heart is frozen and I am fearful. It is not an easy place to be. So I have started a different approach. When these concerns grip me I put them aside and focus instead on the promise of God. His undying promise to always be available.

At church Sunday there was a particular song that resonated with me. A song about a light house and God's ability to shine light into our lives and lead the way if we just let go and allow it to happen. Too often I hold tightly to my abilities, my direction, and my decisions when instead the release of control into God's hand is a powerful tool.

How can we find peace in troubled times if we do not release the burden we carry and give it to God. Trust of others is such an illusive thing but trust of God should be central in our lives.

So many of the things we spend time worrying about never come to be. We have robbed ourselves of living a life of joy through concerns that never materialize. And sometimes those things do happen and even then we need to go through the process, walk the path, and accept the outcomes that are not always to our liking. Often just around the corner is the answer we seek, a better set of circumstances, or another path to travel.

Hugs to each of you, may you be blessed with God's shining light leading the way.

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