Yes you read that right. The down side....the journey to Christmas has potholes and detours just like any other journey. Sometimes during the holiday season, depression or sadness seeps in, anxiety overwhelms us or worries seem to steal the pleasure from the journey.
Let’s think about that and use it as a connection to Christ. His personal and profound journey to Christmas was not without a “down” side. Walking the human path allowed him to experience those feelings. At times he too grew tired of the journey. Yet his relationship and connection to God allowed him to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Not only that but he allowed God to lead, he trusted the journey and also found joy in walking the path. Think of that. Joy even when he knew the ending.
What a blessing to have a way forward. Trust and joy are easy in good times but not so easy is times of fear, unrest and uncertainty. Don’t let those feelings steal the joy of your journey. Know that as you travel the path you have a constant presence with you, holding you with each uncertain step, perhaps grabbing your arm as you stumble. God will not let us fail. This kernel of truth is hard to hold onto when we only look at “failing” in human terms. When we judge our life in earthly riches or accomplishments we miss the opportunity to understand on a deeper, spiritual level.
So if you find moments of sadness during the journey this year, look for ways to allow them to deepen your connection to God. Listen for Gods whispers. Allow joy to seep into even the darkest of times. Know He is with you on this journey and every other journey you embark on.
Conversations with God, myself, the world and no one in particular, all at the same time!
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
A Love So Amazing
“But whoever drinks the water I give then will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14
Christ was the very first Christmas present ever and this single gift changed the course of humankind forever.
Christ was the very first Christmas present ever and this single gift changed the course of humankind forever.
No way as mere humans can we understand God’s plan in giving us Christ. A love so amazing indeed. I alluded to in my last post that this “journey to Christmas” started a long time before any of us were born and before the birth of Christ as well. God’s plan was grand and he let it simmer until just the right moment.
God created us in His image, he gave us opportunity after opportunity to embrace him and to understand the lessons he sent our way. Eventually, however he realized that we were having trouble relating to the heavenly messages he presented. He devised a plan to send a part of Himself, his son, to earth to journey with us on the human path. To experience humanly temptations, to feel the pull of everyday life and to reach us in ways that perhaps we might understand just a little bit better.
I’ve often wondered why one of the first miracles performed in the Gospel of John is the turning of water into wine at a wedding. At first glance, it seems such a mundane miracle. Not something worthy of the Savior. A ‘waste” if you may of a perfectly good miracle. Yet after reflection, how perfectly “human’ this miracle seems but how gloriously heavenly it is.
It is a glimpse into the life that Jesus led. Common and miraculous all at the same time. It is this life that God calls us to, on our journey to Christmas. While none will walk the path that Christ walked, we are each called to be not only common but miraculous as well. It is in this season that we are called to give more freely, to love deeply, and to understand that the nature of our life here on earth is one of becoming more closely connected to our Father.
How profound and moving that God has given each of us this opportunity. Use it wisely. Yet this first step on the path, only leads us to something grander, tugging at our hearts. We know the Christmas story is one of hope, of forgiveness, of redemption.
Choose your path to Christmas wisely.
Hugs everyone!
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Journey to Christmas
I’d like to blog “The Journey to Christmas” this year. I’m not promising a daily post because whenever I set lofty goals I tend to fall short. The Journey to Christmas started long ago before I was born and before you were too. In fact it started even before the birth of Christ. It started as a deep meaningful love from God to each of us. It came about because of this enduring and graceful love that our God offers us. He knew we needed help on this path through a tumultuous world. He devised a plan so simple yet incredibly generous.
As we move through the next few weeks, caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the excitement and the exhaustion, the meaningful and the mundane will seep into our journey. Look for the unexpected. Wait for the message of hope and listen for the whispers God sends our way.
Hugs to each of you on this trip, this journey to Christmas, and beyond.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
The Quest: Week 1
"In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth." Gandhi
Life is a journey, a quest so to speak. We seek meaning, truth, and all matter of other things throughout our life time. I've often pondered that the most important thing we seek during our journey through this world is not truth ...but instead our authentic selves or our soul. For it is in discovering self that we are drawn into a deeper spiritual connection to all that is and will be.
Think of the soul as a fragment of God, created in his image, small but powerful. This fragment is drawn toward the light and in the end becomes one again with the Creator. Yet in the quest, in this human world there are often hardships, temptations, and human folly that inhibit, distract, discolor or taint the soul.
By truly listening to self and acknowledging the most important thing in life, your soul, you will gain insight, satisfaction, contentment, and the ability to maneuver the twists and turns that life inevitably throws in your path.
So step forth on this quest, wander here and there but always with a desire for a deeper connection to life. Embrace things that create profound joy and contentment, Acknowledge your inner wisdom.
This week reflect on the idea of a quest, a long or arduous search for something. Think about your journey through life. Recognize that sometimes you travel "internal" paths and in doing so reach new destinations as surely as if you moved forward physically. These paths can be more important than the ones under foot.
Journal this week about an internal path you have traveled. If journaling is not your "thing" how about writing a poem or sketching a picture to represent it? This is also the week to decide how you will document your soul musings journey. Some people like bound journals or sketch books, some people like to use the computer or collect their "work" and store it in a binder. The choice is yours but your quest will be deeper and more meaningful if you explore more and the weekly "assignment" is one way to do so.
Soul Musings-52 Weeks Introduction
Soul Musings is my own attempt to put into words my thoughts and reflections about this journey through life. While we traverse through the landscape of our life we are with family and friends, yet it is really is a solitary quest. Each journey is unique to the individual traveling it with no one's experience quite the same. There are common themes and threads, there are universal "truths" but in the end, my journey is mine and yours is yours. For now though we can travel together for a bit and keep each other company along the paths of life.
Soul Musings, like me, is eclectic. In seeking understanding, in traversing the landscape of life, in connecting with my soul, I refuse to be limited by one philosophy, one religion, or one culture. A strong belief in God is not diminished by reading, listening, and seeking guidance from other belief systems or from my own imagination. No matter what your spirituality is based on, I invite you to broaden it through this experience. As we examine each concept, belief, idea, or thought we will find that many are similar and often provide new insights and a deeper level of "being."
Soul Musings is designed to be used weekly. One topic per week for meditation, reflection, thought, journaling or discussion. Over the course of a year, we will explore beliefs and ideas that highlight the soul, a concept that is elusive and yet interwoven into so many aspects of life. At the end of each topic, you will discover a question or a reflection designed to take you deeper into this journey.
With deepest regard for the human spirit and your own personal knowledge, I invite you to partake of my humble Soul Musings and hope you use them to gain a deeper personal connection to your soul and your spiritual journey.
Soul Musings, like me, is eclectic. In seeking understanding, in traversing the landscape of life, in connecting with my soul, I refuse to be limited by one philosophy, one religion, or one culture. A strong belief in God is not diminished by reading, listening, and seeking guidance from other belief systems or from my own imagination. No matter what your spirituality is based on, I invite you to broaden it through this experience. As we examine each concept, belief, idea, or thought we will find that many are similar and often provide new insights and a deeper level of "being."
Soul Musings is designed to be used weekly. One topic per week for meditation, reflection, thought, journaling or discussion. Over the course of a year, we will explore beliefs and ideas that highlight the soul, a concept that is elusive and yet interwoven into so many aspects of life. At the end of each topic, you will discover a question or a reflection designed to take you deeper into this journey.
With deepest regard for the human spirit and your own personal knowledge, I invite you to partake of my humble Soul Musings and hope you use them to gain a deeper personal connection to your soul and your spiritual journey.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
May Soul Care
So in April I started reading the Book of Acts and I'm about two weeks behind schedule. No problem...I'll finish it up in the coming days but I want to allow myself time for reading so I am going to take a different approach for May. I will do 31 Days of Soul Care. Here's a sneak peek at the beginning of the month in my Faith Planner. It's not finished yet.
I'd like to invite you along for the May Soul Care event. I'll create it as an event over on Facebook and I'd love for you to join in. Obviously our ideas won't all be the same and you don't have to do one a can do one or two a week! The goal is to select some things that make your soul "sing" or perhaps try some new things that you aren't quite sure about! Expand your spiritual self through these ideas and find joy in life!
I'm currently working on a list of ideas, short simple things or longer projects...anything goes....I'd love for you to share ideas here or over on the Facebook page.
Here are some of my ideas so far....all subject to change once I start putting them on the calendar...
1. Spend some time one day listening and singing along to some favorite songs. Who knows I might even dance along!
2. Paint a picture on canvas. (or in an art journal)
3. Go somewhere in nature. Quiet and alone. Spend 30 minutes just reflecting on the beauty.
4. Take a bubble bath
5. Write some favorite quotes in my common place book
6. Go to a new place
7. Do something unexpected and nice for a friend.
8. Play in the water
I'd like to invite you along for the May Soul Care event. I'll create it as an event over on Facebook and I'd love for you to join in. Obviously our ideas won't all be the same and you don't have to do one a can do one or two a week! The goal is to select some things that make your soul "sing" or perhaps try some new things that you aren't quite sure about! Expand your spiritual self through these ideas and find joy in life!
I'm currently working on a list of ideas, short simple things or longer projects...anything goes....I'd love for you to share ideas here or over on the Facebook page.
Here are some of my ideas so far....all subject to change once I start putting them on the calendar...
1. Spend some time one day listening and singing along to some favorite songs. Who knows I might even dance along!
2. Paint a picture on canvas. (or in an art journal)
3. Go somewhere in nature. Quiet and alone. Spend 30 minutes just reflecting on the beauty.
4. Take a bubble bath
5. Write some favorite quotes in my common place book
6. Go to a new place
7. Do something unexpected and nice for a friend.
8. Play in the water
Hugs! I hope you will join me for May Soul Care and share your soul inspiring ideas.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Acts, April, and Conversations with God
Acts, which is sometimes called The Acts of the Apostles, tells about the founding of the Christian church after the death of Jesus. It is the fifth book of the new testament and is the focus of my scripture study for April. Some may find it odd timing to study Acts, one might think it more appropriate AFTER Easter, but what can I say? Where He leads I will follow and something just called for me to read Acts.
I've finished Chapter 4 and so far there are a few things that jumped out at me.
#1 Choosing an apostle to replace Judas. Two men were nominated: Joseph, called Barsabbas and Mathias. Lots were cast by the eleven and Mathias was selected. I wonder what characteristics the eleven were looking for, what called to them from this man? And I wonder what became of Joseph (Barsabbas) Sometimes when we are overlooked for something: a job, a relationship, an opportunity, we wonder why. Did he? Perhaps upon further reading I will discover the answer.
#2 The Holy Spirit In Acts we read more about the Holy Spirit and how it touched the apostles. This is one of the aspects of God that sometimes we struggle to understand. I sort of visualize it as God's whispers, the messenger that relates to our soul in such a way that we can "feel" God's presence.
#3 The Rejected Stone: Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and explained to the rulers and elders about the healing of the lame man. He emphasized to them that the miracle was preformed not by mere humans but in the name of Jesus Christ. He says, "the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone." Two things here, whenever you feel rejected muse a bit on the rejection of Jesus, by His own people. AND second when you do this realize the important role this "rejected one" played. What honor to be rejected and go on to be the cornerstone of salvation. EVERY rejection leads us some place else. Find the path.
I hope as Easter approaches you are filled with the light and love of our Savior. Hugs to all of you.
I've finished Chapter 4 and so far there are a few things that jumped out at me.
#1 Choosing an apostle to replace Judas. Two men were nominated: Joseph, called Barsabbas and Mathias. Lots were cast by the eleven and Mathias was selected. I wonder what characteristics the eleven were looking for, what called to them from this man? And I wonder what became of Joseph (Barsabbas) Sometimes when we are overlooked for something: a job, a relationship, an opportunity, we wonder why. Did he? Perhaps upon further reading I will discover the answer.
#2 The Holy Spirit In Acts we read more about the Holy Spirit and how it touched the apostles. This is one of the aspects of God that sometimes we struggle to understand. I sort of visualize it as God's whispers, the messenger that relates to our soul in such a way that we can "feel" God's presence.
#3 The Rejected Stone: Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and explained to the rulers and elders about the healing of the lame man. He emphasized to them that the miracle was preformed not by mere humans but in the name of Jesus Christ. He says, "the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone." Two things here, whenever you feel rejected muse a bit on the rejection of Jesus, by His own people. AND second when you do this realize the important role this "rejected one" played. What honor to be rejected and go on to be the cornerstone of salvation. EVERY rejection leads us some place else. Find the path.
I hope as Easter approaches you are filled with the light and love of our Savior. Hugs to all of you.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Hopeless-The Danger of Darkness
The danger of darkness is that it de-evolves us, making us less than the being that God intended us to be. We all have days when we are "down.", some of us even suffer from clinical depression, some are grieving. It is our response to the darkness, to the hopelessness, that can send us spiraling down or can lift us. It's not easy. There are many very real things to be overwhelmed and discouraged by. The question we must ask, at such times, is whether lingering in the doubt, the grief, the despair, serves a purpose. To me the devil prefers to play there in the darkness, in doubt and despair, and staying there too long, merely increases the power it holds over us.
Can you imagine the hopelessness on the day of Jesus's crucifixion? Can you imagine the darkness the world felt. Alone, after losing the "light of the world.".
"Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour." Matthew 27:45
Yet even in this dark time, the torn curtain portrays the offering of salvation for all through Jesus's death. How is Easter morning portrayed? Through the bright and shining light of morning!
It is against the backdrop of the Easter story that we can best understand the spiritual path we must walk when confronted with darkness and hopelessness in our lives. The torn curtain is hope, an opportunity, a shimmer of light shining in the darkness, although no one at the time recognized it as such. The bright Easter morning suggests that all is not lost, and never had been. After the darkness comes the light.
Hugs to each of you. Walk a path that uplifts you and also others. Let the light shine in you.
Monday, February 6, 2017
February Peace
In February I am going to focus on the word PEACE as described throughout the Bible. In today's troubled world I believe that turning our hearts and energy into this particular focus might be helpful in comforting our souls.
I am reminded that God speaks of a peace much greater than any the world can offer. Lately I've been anxious and troubled about several key things and each time those things enter into my mind, my heart is frozen and I am fearful. It is not an easy place to be. So I have started a different approach. When these concerns grip me I put them aside and focus instead on the promise of God. His undying promise to always be available.
I am reminded that God speaks of a peace much greater than any the world can offer. Lately I've been anxious and troubled about several key things and each time those things enter into my mind, my heart is frozen and I am fearful. It is not an easy place to be. So I have started a different approach. When these concerns grip me I put them aside and focus instead on the promise of God. His undying promise to always be available.
At church Sunday there was a particular song that resonated with me. A song about a light house and God's ability to shine light into our lives and lead the way if we just let go and allow it to happen. Too often I hold tightly to my abilities, my direction, and my decisions when instead the release of control into God's hand is a powerful tool.
How can we find peace in troubled times if we do not release the burden we carry and give it to God. Trust of others is such an illusive thing but trust of God should be central in our lives.
So many of the things we spend time worrying about never come to be. We have robbed ourselves of living a life of joy through concerns that never materialize. And sometimes those things do happen and even then we need to go through the process, walk the path, and accept the outcomes that are not always to our liking. Often just around the corner is the answer we seek, a better set of circumstances, or another path to travel.
Hugs to each of you, may you be blessed with God's shining light leading the way.
Monday, January 30, 2017
God's Love Knows No Bounds
I don't like to get political, it never works out well. People have a variety of opinions and reasons for those opinions. I can quote something, the opposing side will quote something. It's an endless circle of back and forth. But there is one thing I know and that is that God's love knows no bounds. He is forever forgiving and accepting. He has called us to live our lives as Jesus lived his and as I've written before, Jesus was quite the rebel.
I'm weary of this world, the turmoil that has existed for a while and has gotten worse lately. I'm not going to argue reasons or viewpoints or who is right or wrong but I will say this is a unique opportunity for us. At some point, (maybe now or maybe in the near future) we will each be asked in some way to make a choice. Will we commit to a world that is humane, tolerant, accepting and filled with the true agape love God desires? We can blame the media, blame political parties, blame liberals or conservatives but the truth is, it is our choice to make.
It honestly scares me a bit because I see so much potential for hidden agendas, personal gains and power plays. I see people blinded to facts, shifted ideologies and "inner circles". People often say history repeats itself and I've never truly believed it but now I do. Even if I agreed with the stances taken by many in today's world, I would still be afraid. Once we rob ourselves of free speech, critical thinking and the ability to influence the course of our future, we will be adrift in a world that we cannot maneuver.
I'm weary of this world, the turmoil that has existed for a while and has gotten worse lately. I'm not going to argue reasons or viewpoints or who is right or wrong but I will say this is a unique opportunity for us. At some point, (maybe now or maybe in the near future) we will each be asked in some way to make a choice. Will we commit to a world that is humane, tolerant, accepting and filled with the true agape love God desires? We can blame the media, blame political parties, blame liberals or conservatives but the truth is, it is our choice to make.
It honestly scares me a bit because I see so much potential for hidden agendas, personal gains and power plays. I see people blinded to facts, shifted ideologies and "inner circles". People often say history repeats itself and I've never truly believed it but now I do. Even if I agreed with the stances taken by many in today's world, I would still be afraid. Once we rob ourselves of free speech, critical thinking and the ability to influence the course of our future, we will be adrift in a world that we cannot maneuver.
God's love will shield us but I am fearful He is also expecting something from us. A show of hands, of solidarity, of compassion and true love. I wrote a post before how I sometimes wondered about those left "behind" at the end of time and fearful that if it was me....would I be able to withstand the many trials and tribulations and not deny my God. I'm not suggesting we are there, just musing as to the strength required to do what is necessary. It is not for the faint of heart.
I fear this is a less than inspiring post, not my intention, it is simply my mind coping with current events and my own fears. I do believe that at some point we will need to choose exactly where we stand in this historically significant and potentially life altering time we live in. Pray.
Hugs to each of you, please pray for the world, for our leaders, for strength, for compassion and for a all of us.
Monday, January 23, 2017
2016 In the Rearview Mirror
We are well on our way to the end of January 2017 and I thought I'd take a few minutes to reflect on 2016. Where I've been and where I'm headed on this spiritual walk with God. It's pretty much my belief that the past is the past and we can't change it so its pretty pointless to play the "what if" games, however I do believe that it can be beneficial to assess where one is and where they want to head. Let's not wander in the dessert for 40 years with no sense of direction.
Spiritually, 2016 was a year full of ups and downs. My sister passed away Thanksgiving Day 2015 and my weekly visits disappeared and more than I admitted at the time my spirit was a bit worn. With her passing, I became the only one of five children in our family still living. I had lost my parents years earlier and my sister and I were the true bookends, her being the oldest and me the youngest of our family. I wasn't mad at God, I wasn't disappointed, it just felt very raw and it took me a bit to wander back into musing. Through it all God was there waiting to direct me. I just wasn't looking at the map.
My faith was never shaken, it just seemed distant, less tangible. I continued to read bible verses, journal, and muse internally but I blogged less in 2016. For me, as a writer, writing is the most powerful emotional access tool I have and perhaps, (not sure) I avoided writing because it does just that it connects the emotions of the soul with the realities of our world. I felt a little alone, while surrounded by people. I never felt lonely with God but the nature of that relationship became so deeply personal that I kept it close and private.
I think reflecting back that 2016 became a spiritual cocoon, in which I wrapped myself, warm and protected by God's love. I doubt anyone noticed the difference, which in itself isn't that unusual. Now it is time to emerge for the cocoon and to step forward in to 2017.
In 2017, I plan to muse, muse more than I even think is humanly possible. To question my own musings, to reflect, to evaluate, to converse with God in the deepest ways possible but most of all to listen. I tend to get caught up in my own head and heart. I tend to think I "know". But what if in reality in this determined stance I take, God wishes me to be slightly more humble, slightly less "set" in my ways, and much more open to God's direction. In the busyness of my own thinking I might just miss His whispers. So 2017 will find me in more private and quiet reflection, with less of the craziness of the world. I still want to blog because I feel that I am drawn to do so. Maybe again that's just my own head because I have no evidence anyone even reads this blog. However, writing it serves the purpose that I started it for, not to develop a huge audience but to provide an opportunity for me to deepen my relationship with God. If in the end someone wanders upon it and something written here is helpful then it has served both purposes well.
Hugs to each of you, wherever you are on your spiritual journey may you emerge from your cocoons, warm and safe!
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Psalm 30
Psalm 30 reminds me that no matter how tough times are, anxiety, grief, loss the dawn always comes. God sends His joy to you and you start to feel stronger, more faith centered and capable of overcoming the darkness.
"You turned my wailing into dancing." Psalm 30: 11
When I become overwhelmed with the worries of this world I am going to look for ways to turn all of those negative emotions into DANCING.
God is always there on the fringe of our life, watching over us, ready to step in at a moment's notice. He shouldn't be on the fringe, we should draw him more fully into our lives.
Hugs to each of you and may you let God into your life to turn your sadness into dancing.
Monday, January 9, 2017
2017: Conversations, Listening, and Finding Joy
My previous post talked about the two different creative avenues I will use this year to explore God's Word. I've used a designated planner format the last two years and started to feel like I wanted a change. Now just NINE days into January and I'm missing the orderly-ness of the planner version. I liked having a weekly focus and I liked how it kept me on track (sort of). So I decided to set up a mini planner/journal that I hope will fulfill the need for order and "planning".
This is a little planner I already had, so I am repurposing it for this years Faith Journal. I won't be doing the art part of my "faith art journaling" in it but I will use it to guide my weeks and my studies. I think I will set it up just one month at a time until I can find a format I like. I feel like God is nudging me a bit to move forward in my spiritual growth and I hope to discover what it is that He is leading me to.
I wanted to share with you a great site I discovered recently and I plan on using some of the topic Bible reading plans in 2017. The site is and she has some pretty awesome reading plans.
Here's the plan for January. She has some great books and workbooks to go along with her studies also. You simply must check out her site.
Hugs everyone. I'll try to set up my planner/journal and have it ready to share in a later post!
Friday, January 6, 2017
Psalms, Journaling Bibles and 2017
This year I decided to step away for a bit from my planner version of faith art journaling. It has served me well the last few years but I wanted to experience God's words and my conversations with him in a different way.
I picked up this book a little before Christmas and decided to use it as my "kick off" for 2017. It is the entire book of Psalms with additional room for journaling and art work. It also includes some pages to color for those that prefer that format.
I decided to start by doing Psalms 1 since I had already worked with that in the Psalms book I have, It was interesting to compare the two versions of the Psalms. The Psalms book is the Holy Bible-New Living Translation where as the creative Bible is Modern English Version.
What stood out to me was the idea that God knows us, better than we know ourselves and by following the righteous path he sets before us we are following him in the best way possible. I hope you have enjoyed the sneak peak into my faith art journaling this year. A different format but still on the quest for a deeper, more meaningful, spiritual relationship with God.
Hugs to each of you and I hope some of you might be inspired to join me on this creative endeavor and enjoy your conversations with God through a different media.
I picked up this book a little before Christmas and decided to use it as my "kick off" for 2017. It is the entire book of Psalms with additional room for journaling and art work. It also includes some pages to color for those that prefer that format.
I spent some time reading and meditating on Psalm 1, several days in fact before I felt ready to actually put pen, marker and pencil to the page. The margins are also lined so you can write your thoughts and journal if you prefer that to drawing.
To me this Psalm speaks of following not only the path of the Godly but following the path God has set before us. We often are arrogant enough to believe we KNOW the path we should walk. We do not. Not really. We need to be humble and seek that which God sets before us. Sometimes it's a rough path but in the end we arrive at the exact spot God wants us to be while learning some valuable lessons along the route.
After buying this book I also received a Creative Journaling Bible as a Christmas gift. I have played around with a journaling Bible for a couple years but always hesitate because of "marking" inside the Bible. I've come to realize that spending time in God's word is good regardless of the way we do so.
There are a lot of creative journaling Bibles out there. This is the one I have, bought at Sam's Club.
What stood out to me was the idea that God knows us, better than we know ourselves and by following the righteous path he sets before us we are following him in the best way possible. I hope you have enjoyed the sneak peak into my faith art journaling this year. A different format but still on the quest for a deeper, more meaningful, spiritual relationship with God.
Hugs to each of you and I hope some of you might be inspired to join me on this creative endeavor and enjoy your conversations with God through a different media.
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Soul Care 2020
I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that sometimes when times are the darkest, the nearer to God we feel. That it is in times of great de...
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." John 1:1 So starts the Gospel of John, "...
So before I go about the rest of the day I wanted to muse a bit about this morning's sermon while it's fresh in my mind. It was a...