Monday, January 30, 2017

God's Love Knows No Bounds

I don't like to get political, it never works out well. People have a variety of opinions and reasons for those opinions. I can quote something, the opposing side will quote something. It's an endless circle of back and forth. But there is one thing I know and that is that God's love knows no bounds. He is forever forgiving and accepting. He has called us to live our lives as Jesus lived his and as I've written before, Jesus was quite the rebel.

I'm weary of this world, the turmoil that has existed for a while and has gotten worse lately. I'm not going to argue reasons or viewpoints or who is right or wrong but I will say this is a unique opportunity for us. At some point, (maybe now or maybe in the near future) we will each be asked in some way to make a choice. Will we commit to a world that is humane, tolerant, accepting and filled with the true agape love God desires? We can blame the media, blame political parties, blame liberals or conservatives but the truth is, it is our choice to make.

It honestly scares me a bit because I see so much potential for hidden agendas, personal gains and power plays. I see people blinded to facts, shifted ideologies and "inner circles". People often say history repeats itself and I've never truly believed it but now I do. Even if I agreed with the stances taken by many in today's world, I would still be afraid. Once we rob ourselves of free speech, critical thinking and the ability to influence the course of our future, we will be adrift in a world that we cannot maneuver.

God's love will shield us but I am fearful He is also expecting something from us. A show of hands, of solidarity, of compassion and true love. I wrote a post before how I sometimes wondered about those left "behind" at the end of time and fearful that if it was me....would I be able to withstand the many trials and tribulations and not deny my God. I'm not suggesting we are there, just musing as to the strength required to do what is necessary. It is not for the faint of heart.

I fear this is a less than inspiring post, not my intention, it is simply my mind coping with current events and my own fears. I do believe that at some point we will need to choose exactly where we stand in this historically significant and potentially life altering time we live in. Pray.

Hugs to each of you, please pray for the world, for our leaders, for strength, for compassion and for a all of us.

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