Acts, which is sometimes called The Acts of the Apostles, tells about the founding of the Christian church after the death of Jesus. It is the fifth book of the new testament and is the focus of my scripture study for April. Some may find it odd timing to study Acts, one might think it more appropriate AFTER Easter, but what can I say? Where He leads I will follow and something just called for me to read Acts.
I've finished Chapter 4 and so far there are a few things that jumped out at me.
#1 Choosing an apostle to replace Judas. Two men were nominated: Joseph, called Barsabbas and Mathias. Lots were cast by the eleven and Mathias was selected. I wonder what characteristics the eleven were looking for, what called to them from this man? And I wonder what became of Joseph (Barsabbas) Sometimes when we are overlooked for something: a job, a relationship, an opportunity, we wonder why. Did he? Perhaps upon further reading I will discover the answer.
#2 The Holy Spirit In Acts we read more about the Holy Spirit and how it touched the apostles. This is one of the aspects of God that sometimes we struggle to understand. I sort of visualize it as God's whispers, the messenger that relates to our soul in such a way that we can "feel" God's presence.
#3 The Rejected Stone: Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and explained to the rulers and elders about the healing of the lame man. He emphasized to them that the miracle was preformed not by mere humans but in the name of Jesus Christ. He says, "the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone." Two things here, whenever you feel rejected muse a bit on the rejection of Jesus, by His own people. AND second when you do this realize the important role this "rejected one" played. What honor to be rejected and go on to be the cornerstone of salvation. EVERY rejection leads us some place else. Find the path.
I hope as Easter approaches you are filled with the light and love of our Savior. Hugs to all of you.
Conversations with God, myself, the world and no one in particular, all at the same time!
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