Conversations with God, myself, the world and no one in particular, all at the same time!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
The Gate, the Shepherd and the Sheep
Gospel of John Chapter 10
In chapter ten we read the story of the good shepherd, probably one of the most common and weel know images of Jesus is him as the shepherd. In reading the account in John I realize the story even has more layers of depth than I remembered from childhood.
Jesus not only tells the Pharisees that he is the shepherd but that he is the gatekeeper and those that enter by other means are thieves and robbers. Although he is referring to others who have come in the past it also makes me think of false phrophets and others that come into people's livesand try to enter the pen, like thieves stealing the spiritual lives of the sheep.
The sheep listen only to the shepherd because they know his voice and recognize him. This is a worry or perhaps a doubt of mine sometimes that I might hear something or feel moved to go in a certain direction and HOW will I know it is God and not just my own will or if I am being lead astray?
Further more there are othe sheep besides those in this pen and they will come to Jesus also: a reference to the Jewish and the Gentiles. Jesus is for everyone and it is made clear in this story that he knows this from the start. It's not a "change of plans" because all the Jews do not follow him. It has been a clearly outlined objective from the beginning.
The hired hand is not the shepherd because when the wolf comes he runs away as he cares nothing for the sheep. Again this makes me think of false prophets but not just false ones. Our own relgious leaders of today are human. They cannot have the strength or the resolve to see things through as Jesus can. That is not to say that many of them are not strong faithful individuals but just that they are not the shepherd. This makes me think of churches splitting up and following other leaders. Are they going because they feel called to grow spiritual in a different direction or are they pulled off course by the "hired hand", the "leader" they re following?
They will listen to my voice and they will be one flock and one shepherd. Hasn't happened yet but is an interesting and inspiring prediction.
Of course all this did was cause further disputes over Jesus's claims. He is asked: Tell us plainly are you the Messiah?" Jesus replies: "I did tell you but you did not listen." He states "I and the Father are one." It incises them so that they pick up stones to stone him and he asks for which of my good works am I being stoned? They replied it is for blasphemy. Again Jesus challenged them and told them that in their own laws it is written that those receiving God's word are "gods" so how is it wrong for me to say I am the Son of God. Then Jesus left and went back across the Jordan.
Hugs to you. As we travel through life may we recognize the voice of the shepherd and find eternal life.
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