Yep it's week two of February which is Bible Week and the focus for February is Love. I've picked out several verses to focus on this week and I'll have to say they are ones I have a bit of trouble with. That's the point, isn't it? If we just picked things that were easy peasy then we wouldn't be allowing our soul to grow and develop a closer relationship with God. Before I write more about that, let me tell you a few things I believe about Soul Care.
I believe that Soul Care is required in this busy, hectic, conflicting world we live in. If we don't take care of the essence of who we are, it will shrivel up and become useless to us. Our souls are essential in our relationship with God. They are the part of us that most closely resembles the divine rather than the human. It is like our tiny life line to God.
I believe that Soul Care gives us joy and peace of mind and allows us to grow in our spiritual life. We devote more time to our weekly TV shows than we do to our spiritual selves. That just isn't right! Our soul allows us to connect with God, have conversations with God and to understand at a deeper spiritual level the path God wants us to walk on. This needs to be nurtured, not ignored.
Ok, now back to my verses and why I find them challenging.

This one really resonates with me. I've had some "darkest hours" in life....all kinds.....some my own creation! What I struggle with at times is letting go of mistakes and things that I don't feel like I handled well. Yet this verse reminds me that God loved me at my darkest hours. God can't be wrong so I must also learn to let go of "dark" thoughts and focus on the joy of the here and now. Past mistakes are "in the past.

This too is a struggle as I think it is for most of us. We all have people who we think have wronged us, and not only THINK....sometimes it is definitely true! It's hard to love your enemies, people who have hurt you deeply. It is something I have been musing a lot about lately and find that I have a more joyous day if I just follow God's word.

Another good one to work toward. Basically I am pretty accepting and open to most people. I try to see the good in others and to accept them wherever they are in life. I have never had to lay down my life for my friends but I hope that I would have the courage to do so if need be. This brings me to a little "play" on concepts with this one.
If Jesus is a friend, like no other, are we willing to lay down our life for Him? Now I'm not talking about dying for Him, although in today's world you just never know. I'm talking about laying down the life you know and picking up another one. One that focuses on Jesus and walks the spiritual path that God has set before you. It's a scary thought really....sometimes just blogging and sharing my thoughts about my spiritual journey can be scary..... is there more I "should" be doing?
Hugs everyone.....there are lots of great verses about love to choose from. Pick one and try to live it this week!
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