Saturday, June 7, 2014

Language of the Soul: Notice

It occurred to me after writing the original post about all the things that make up the language of the soul that I'd like to muse about each of those voices of the soul, the components of self or the things we can do to learn to speak the language of the soul. I'm sure in working my way through the list I'll discover even more aspects that will help me on this quest.

Let's start with a definition:

 1. information that tells you or warns you about something that is going to happen

 2. attention that people give to someone or something
I primarily want to write about definition two as it relates to the language of the soul however, let's just think about definition one for a moment. It's as if sometimes my soul is giving me a message or a warning or at the very least trying to point me in some direction. At times the information or warning is crystal clear and at other times it is difficult to understand (like trying to understand a foreign language) or perhaps I do not listen. Some people call this intuition or "gut instinct" but what if it is something different? What if it is the lost language.
I started out musing this topic by saying that the language of the body is one we are familiar with and so we are drawn to that "level" again and again. I pondered that the language of the soul is something we are not as familiar with and perhaps have lost our ability to "speak" this language. My main question is "how do we learn to speak the language of the soul?"
When I was jotting ideas down in my planner that day the word notice made the list. I think we live in our own bubbles now days. Truly how often do we actually "notice" the world around us? We are constantly screening out so much of what is going on (both around us and in the world) that we fail to notice things that are right in front of us. I'm not just speaking of noticing people that need help or a mission we should help with, I'm talking about just noticing LIFE. The dew on a delicate flower, the fresh air of a spring day, the music being played, the words someone is speaking. Are we living in the here and now?  The world Jesus lived in was so different from our world. The distractions that present themselves today have downed out the voice of the soul. It is something we can rediscover if we take time to notice!!
This image that I happened upon says it so well. To see like my Savior is to truly notice life. God wants us to know the beauty of life not just see it as a constant rat race with more and more technology vying for our attention. He doesn't want our focus on the evil, the crimes, the daily grind. He wants us to savor this life and prepare ourselves for the next. He wants us to notice, to make connections, to search for that language of the soul that links us to Him. Oh, how your soul will be lifted when you do so.
Hugs, I hope you will take time today to notice the world around you, to truly take in the beauty of life.

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