Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Faith, Lies and Dealing with Satan

Life's been a little hectic of late. I'm just feeling physically tired and emotionally drained. To be honest I've neglected my musing a bit and I've let my spiritual journey take a bit of a back seat. I think this has only added to my fatigue.

I've been writing little things in my day planner and my home notebook but I still feel lost and adrift. I don't feel like getting "out of the boat" at all. I know it's simply a mood and it will shift but then the other day I was thinking..."what happened?" I felt so uplifted by my prayers, faith and musings that it felt wonderful. Then suddenly...I feel like I got hit by a train and I didn't see it coming.

 It slipped into my mind that perhaps something is afoot here. Stumbling blocks planted by Satan himself. I wrote early that I believed in evil but wasn't sure of its shape or form. Yet I found myself asking myself this..."Why would Satan care if I mused, blogged, jotted prayers in my planners and such?" It's just little old me. I'm not really particularly important in any spiritual movement. I'm not out to save the world. My circle of influence is pretty small.

Since I was musing about Satan and his ways anyway I decided to do a bit of reading about the ways Satan attempts to place stumbling blocks in our lives. Bear with me here because this is indeed just an unformed musing about attempt to clear my own head and get back on track. 

Satan creates doubt. Not just doubt in ourselves but doubt about God and God's love. Making us question whether we are important to God. Why does he want us to doubt?

 "Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done." Matthew 21:21

He wants us to doubt so we do not discover the great power we have through faith.

Satan lies. He twists the words of God and even today he places people in our paths that lie and twist the truth. Why?

"Speaking to a group of Jews, Jesus says, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies”  John 8:44.

Satan wants you to believe his lies rather than the teaching of Jesus so he can control you and prevent you from "becoming" the spiritual person you can become when you connect with God.

Satan wants to use your moods and desires to tempt you to "worship" and place value on things that are not in accord with God's plans. Jealousy, greed, sinful appetites Satan has learned well how to play on each of these, as well as, many others.

"And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one." Matthew 6:13

Why? He wants to prevent you from "becoming". He wants you to fail to reach your spiritual peak and for you to un-become into nothingness.

Well I warned you I would end up rambling. Do you notice that the first picture that goes with this post seems to have nothing to do with the direction I headed while writing?  That's because I first thought I would write a post about rejoicing in each day that the Lord gives us, seeing the positives in life and such but as so often happens God took me in a whole other direction.

He knows my feelings, the little thoughts that have been popping into my head about where am I going with this whole spiritual blogging, the way I feel small and insignificant (like why would Satan want to bother me?).  I'm not sure I've "solved" anything through this rambling journey of thoughts about Satan but at least I felt God's presence. Frankly the solution is not mine to find but with God's strength I will continue my musings and spiritual journey.  

Hugs to each of you.  I feel bad whining about my spiritual shortcomings when so many of you have life altering circumstances playing out in your lives. But in truth I can only write about what I know, this little glimpse into my journey that I share with you. Much love to all of you that read these wild and rambling posts.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Planners and Prayers

I wanted to share with you something I have started doing that helps me keep my spiritual journey foremost in my mind. This is my daytimer. Yes my simple planner that I carry with me to write down appointments. This one happens to be a family one with space for other family members but I really don't need all of that. Hey it was on clearance... :)
On this page I wrote a bible verse in the upper right corner....and then on those daily sections I wrote it again with the purpose of focusing on each tiny bit of the verse on each of those days. So on Monday: "How great is our Lord."
There's no rhyme or reason to why I decided to do just popped into my head. It was interesting musing the tiny tidbits throughout the day and then the complete verse at the end of the week.
Here's another page...nothing fancy,...,,just doodles, thoughts, and bible verses. Not everything is of a spiritual nature. It doesn't matter. What matters is that my prayers, thoughts, spiritual beliefs, etc are jotted down where I see them often and am reminded to not neglect the spiritual quest in favor of this crazy hectic world.
In addition, when I have to get out my planner to take notes, mark appointments, etc it serves as a visual message to others. Do I believe that someone reading something in my planner will be transformed? No but I don't think it hurts for others to see someone living their faith either.
Now in addition to my daytimer that I carry with me I also have a home notebook. This has evolved over the years from one form to another but just recently I decided to add a prayer section. The picture above shows the prayer list for May (it's not filled in yet, duh!) I'll also be doodling and adding some color to it through out the month. I want this list to help me stay focused on praying for others and myself in a meaningful way.  Besides the list I also found this next form (below). I won't fill it out every day but will try to do it several times throughout the month.
I know the prayer request part is similar but I wanted to also have some copies of it in my notebook because I like the section about Answers to prayer/Hand of God in my life today. It reminds me to notice God in my life. For example just recently I was praying daily for someone who was struggling. Over time, things appeared to get easier for this person. I need to remember to note God's loving grace in my life and the lives of others.
Hugs everyone. I know this is not my typical post but I hope you have perhaps gained some small tidbit that might help you on your spiritual journey.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Be Still My Heart

Every day contains some dark moments. (Ok maybe that's an exaggeration...maybe it's some days not most). Today was a day of both awe and despair. It's so easy to feel lost on the path, to try to reach others and not be heard, to attempt to express your deepest fears and thoughts with them falling on deaf ears. One thing I know is that God is never deaf. That alone made me smile. It made me shift from the weariness of human interactions to the glory of God's whispers.

He told me not to fear, not to be near tears, not to feel frustration because in time all will be right. And furthermore he said that what doesn't get "right" really isn't that important. He is always true. Think about it. What doesn't get "right" isn't important. It's true.

"Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out."    Proverbs 10:9

So I plan to let the sun set on the frustrations of life. To ignore those that seem set on ways that are ill advised, deceptive, or manipulative. To be secure that "crooked ways" will be found out. Be still my heart, hear only the whispers of God, and approach each day with a grateful heart.
Hugs to each and everyone of you. I am honored you took some time to read my thoughts and will pray that your heart will be still so that you can hear the whispers offered to you by God.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Seeds, Words, and Other Thoughts

This is the little art journal page.

So I decided to play in my little soul musings art journal tonight. Inspired by last nights Painting with a Twist class...I decided to try making a dandelion again. I didn't do the lovely yellow, orange and red background that looks like the sun but that's ok.  I went to look for a bible verse to go with it. That's the way this art journal goes...I either do a picture then find something about "faith" to go with it OR I see something about God, faith etc and then create a page to go with it. Either works!

This is the painting from Painting with a Twist class.
Shall we be like dandelions and spread the seeds? The word of God we can scatter across the landscape of our life and allow it to flourish and take root.
Just a short post tonight because I was being creative and wanted to share it with you! 
Hugs and may you be dandelions this week!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Awake My Soul

The Lost Self
Fragments of self
Discovered in books,
In ocean waves
In hooka bars
In sunsets and summer days.

Pieces of soul
Tucked neatly
Into songs
Into road trips
Into stories collected.

Puzzle pieces
Claimed in victory
In conversations
Tears and laughter
Journeys of self.

Random keys
Unlocking inner doors
Dreams and drama
Moonlight and madness
Dancing across the stage of life.

Archive of Self
Soul files
Stored in the pages of life
Blow off the dust
Open the file.
The image above "Awake my soul" reminded me of this poem that I wrote back in 2010. A poem about finding the lost pieces of self, claiming them like puzzle pieces. In turn I linked it to the message for today in The Upper Room devotional. A little piece about how sometimes we are too hard on ourselves when we are searching for a deeper relationship with God. How we can't just "find God one day" and then have this deep meaningful understanding of faith and God and all that goes with it. It makes sense. A relationship with God is just like any other relationship, it deepens over time. Through reading, searching, praying and musing the relationship grows.
'And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him."  Hebrew 11:6 
Hugs to each of you. May you grow in your relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May you seek each as is needed in your life, may you find your lost self and know that God sends a map for you to follow.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Who am I ?

"We are not what we have nor what other people say about us. We are not a product of the world we live in."  (God's Abiding Love pg. 13)

It's hard sometimes to put aside the things that are shoved at us, told of us, thought about us, and believed about us. There are so many that are unjust, untrue, and unkind. Even those that are positive do not "look into our hearts". They do not capture the essence of who we are. We often reject even the good because we feel unworthy.

Yet God knows. We have no need to be defensive, sad, overwhelmed or discouraged when we remember that we are NOT a product of this world. We are a child of God, a product of his eternal love, and as such we transcend what people think or say of us (or we think of ourselves)  and we move into a higher more spiritual existence. Our identity is not limited by the humanly realm but can soar on wings.

It is common to seek validation here in the world but in the end that validation means little. When we seek it too fervently we limit our relationship with God. We put more "value" on proving ourselves to others than we do on finding our spiritual path. It only leads to frustration. We cannot possibly be all things to all people.
Sometime I think the world is "turning mean". That we have lost a human connectedness and spirit that brings forth the goodness that God planted and searches for in humankind. That's not to say that there is none in the world but that overall the temperament of the world at large is, well, mean spirited. I think this is truly a symptom of spiritual emptiness but that's a topic for another post.
There are things you can do to combat this trend and honestly it starts with a focus on you. Oh I  know, that sounds self centered and not in accord with Jesus's teaching about taking care of others but hear me out.
Focus on you, your spiritual growth and relationship with God. Even more importantly stop listening to and dwelling on what others think of you or say about you. Those are simply roadblocks on your spiritual path. Perhaps even placed there by Satan himself. When you become consumed by the "unfairness" of people who are mean spirited then you dwell in their world. Instead dwell in the spiritual world that God offers.
Hugs to all of you. Remember that you are a child of God and as such not a product of this world but rather a spiritual creature on a path to "becoming" the person God wants you to be.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Betrayer and the Betrayed

Today I want to write about Judas, I know not why. Perhaps it is this mood I find myself in and have asked God to help me dispel. Writing soothes me and helps me get my mind straight. I have a small list of things I wanted to blog about in the Investigating Jesus series and even before I looked at it. I thought, 'now is the time to write about Judas."

As one of the twelve disciples Judas spent a lot of time with Jesus. He was a rather "weak or troubled disciple" before his ultimate betrayal of Christ for which he was paid thirty silver coins. Some propose that Judas was a "necessary" part of God's plan and therefore he was in fact "doing God's will" to fulfill the prophesy.

 Psalm 41:9 – “Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.” (NIV)

 Psalm 55:12-13 – “It is not an enemy who taunts me – I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me – I could have hidden from them. Instead, it is you – my equal, my companion and close friend.”

Today I'm not as concerned about that aspect of the betrayal but rather want to muse about the interconnectedness of the betrayer and the betrayed. Without a level of connection, betrayal doesn't really occur does it? Without some expectation or some level of trust and commitment it isn't exactly betrayal. We aren't often accused of betraying a stranger but rather someone close to us.

Judas loved worldly things, specifically money. His character was questionable from the beginning of his selection as a disciple. Some claim that the betrayal came at the hands of satan and that it is he who possessed Judas and darkened his heart. In deed, I could see this as true because satan had been trying to discredit and destroy Christ since his birth.
Yet there is also a level of responsibility that falls squarely on Judas. It takes me back to the post I wrote about the nature of good and evil viewed as "becoming" and un-becoming". Satan did indeed influence and "toy" with Judas but it is Judas  that allowed himself to wander so far from his spiritual path that he became an accomplice. Satan was there to tempt but he was not so much "locked" into the role by God to fulfill the prophesy as it was that God full well knew the heart of Judas (and many men). Knew that the possibility of betrayal by someone was not only possible but a statistical certainty. Judas's kiss was needed so that Jesus could be identified and not be allowed to slip away in the crowd. Yet Jesus had no intention of "slipping away."
Can you imagine Jesus's sorrow? Knowing someone that has been part of your life, part of your followers for a number of years could turn on you in such a way. Even though Christ knew the betrayal would come, I can't help but think that perhaps even to the end he was hoping that Judas would redeem himself, see the truth in the lessons Christ had been sharing, and would choose a different path. Last minute forgiveness is always available. We know this from the thief on the cross who Jesus promises a place in paradise.
I bring this into the human world and ask for you to think about a time you were betrayed. We have all lived through such moments, some more vivid and painful than other. The closer the level of trust and the bigger the expectation of loyalty the worse the pain. We all know people that are just "surface" friends. They have no intention of being loyal. Oh they can do so in good times but as soon as the roads get rocky they head a different direction. It's what we "expect." Then there are other relationships that we put time, effort, and emotional commitment into. We expect that to "pay off" in loyalty. When we are betrayed by those closest to us it shakes up our whole belief system.
Jesus gave all without expectation. Knowing that there would be many that shunned him, turned away, refused to listen, ignored and even ridiculed him. He knew there would be many that would be "lost.".  Yet he gave all to give us the opportunity to have eternal life. 
 Hugs to all of you. It is my sincere hope that you find something in these ramblings that resonates in your life.  My mood is still here. I feel a little "lost" myself but hope that with the morning light my self doubts and fears will be quieted.

Soul Care 2020

I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...