Saturday, February 22, 2014

Seriously Arizona

Seriously Arizona?  The new bill awaiting a signature by the governor in Arizona allows businesses to refuse service to gay or bisexual couples. All in the name of "religious freedom".
I know I'm treading on controversial ground now but it is my blog and I usually write about what ever I am "musing" about at the time.  I write not to tell you what to believe but to explore what I believe and perhaps to open your own musings about a variety of topics.
Technically the bill opens the door to refusal of service to anyone the owner can claim is in violation of their religious beliefs. That's a BIG door to open up.
I'm not here to argue mine or your beliefs about homosexuality. That's really NOT what is at stake here. You can believe what you want. What is at stake here is a government sanction (in Arizona) to discriminate and hide it behind religious freedom.
I question whether this is "religious freedom" and an owners right to stand behind and live their beliefs or just another way to "excuse" poor behavior toward others.  I'm pretty sure those supporting the bill are primarily "Christian".  Are they ok with the same rights being extended to Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans?
Robert Boston, a spokesman for the Washington-based
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
 told CNN the legislation would "fling the door wide open to discrimination, not just against gay people, but basically to any class of individuals that a religious fundamentalist decides he or she doesn't want to deal with."
We can argue if church and state should be separate. I'd rather not. That's one of those musings I can go on long rambling thoughts about.  I can tell you there are times I believe we need more of God in all aspects of our lives. However, I'd really prefer to see more kindness, more compassion, more common sense and more ethical decisions in the government process and a whole lot less hypocrisy.
I hesitate to include a Bible verse in this post (but I'm going to) because ....quite honestly....I can post my verse and someone else can bring up one that seems to support their belief. In the end, each of us has to reflect, muse, pray, search, meditate and live our lives according to what we discover through the process. I believe people that do that are a whole lot closer to the real life God wants us to live than those that allow hatred and bigotry to seep into their "religious lives."
"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Philippians 2:3-4
Not the one you thought I'd share, right? To me it speaks to the essence of the issue. I can think of a host of other words you could substitute for rivalry and conceit but if you think about it they fit equally well too.
Hugs to all of you and I hope my political ramblings haven't been too much of a controversial muse.

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