Monday, June 15, 2015

Looking for Rainbows in the Silence

This week I'm practicing Silence and Solitude. I came across this picture and it made me think about rainbows in the silence.
First it struck me that the rainbow path was a set of stairs. This in turn made me contemplate how all rainbows aren't smooth and easy paths. Sometimes when we follow a rainbow it's challenging. You have to climb to the top to really appreciate the rainbow.
Second the path made me think of following a rainbow and the warmth and comfort that the rainbow brings us. Right at the top, the lighted door and the safety and comfort of the home awaits. Then I went on musing and thought about how we can create rainbows for others....and in doing so that might require us to climb a few steps, put ourselves forth a bit...but in the end we are leaving a rainbow trail behind!
I also thought about rainbows in the silence...sometimes we do paint rainbows for others and they don't notice them, or they don't mention them or perhaps even they don't say thank you. That's ok. In the silence the rainbow is still there and it is not less powerful.
Hugs to each of you....may you find rainbows in the silence this week.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Rainbows and Random Thoughts

Rainbows come into our lives after a storm but have you ever traveled through a period of life or struggled with an issue in which you think there will never be a rainbow?  Those are the times to create your own!
Creating a rainbow takes more than just faith. It takes a conscious effort to seek out the light and to let that light filter into the darkest corners. It's not easy.
Rainbows can be so fleeting that we barely catch a glimpse of them. Tiny droplets of rain suspended in sunlight, fragile and yet mighty.
Don't chase rainbows....simply create them in life and let the power of their beauty speak to you and others.
How can you create a rainbow?  Smile at someone. Laugh with someone. Surprise someone with a good deed or a small gift.  Put a beautiful bouquet of flowers on your table. Cuddle your puppy. Be truthful. Be kind. Be authentic.
Hugs to each of you on this beautiful Sunday. May God send rainbows into your life today and every day!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June Soul Care: Look for the Rainbows

June is a month of quite reflection for me even though the month is full of things to do.  June is my second favorite month of the year, with October being my favorite!  Both months speak to me in ways, through nature, spiritual rejuvenation and "rebirth".  How you might ask is October "rebirth"? Well, that is a topic for another day.

This month, I'll be searching for rainbows and that might not be as easy as it sounds. So often we focus on the things "missing" from our lives, or the horrible things that occur. The unfairness, the injustice, and the unhappiness that seems to prevail in today's world.

I am not suggested we sit idly by and not fight for what we believe is right. While being passive at times is the right choice, I believe God calls us at other times to speak up and work toward making the world a better place. Yet in our lives we must take care not to be consumed by "our causes".  We must not lose focus of the fact that God wants our life to be joyous. Sometimes we doubt and we fall into the trap of thinking that "if only" this would happen I could live a joyful life. Or if this was right in the world I would be filled with joy.

The truth is if we wait for "everything to be as WE wish" to have a joyful life it will quite honestly never happen. At least not here on earth. There is just too much that can threaten to overwhelm us. I suggest when we start to feel that way, when we are wallowing in the "this world is beyond repair" that we count our rainbows. Take a break from being a crusader and look for the rainbows.

God's blessings are every where in your life. We simply need to turn our focus to feel the joy touch us. Now that doesn't "take away" the things that are wrong, the impossibly crazy things that seem to engulf us in this world. But it does allow us hope and joy in a sometimes bleak existence. It also makes us realize just what the important things are. When we seek God through our connections with others we begin to understand the path that Jesus walked.

Hugs to each of you and may you find your rainbows in the month of June and every month!

Soul Care 2020

I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...