Monday, April 6, 2015

Paths: Week One Prayer Week

Week One focuses on prayers and while I certainly don't want to tell you what to pray about, I do want to share my ideas and what I will be focusing on. Perhaps this will be a springboard for your own conversations with God.
I am starting off the week praying about the month ahead. How might I use my time in ways that God directs. Am I becoming too consumed with my own personal interests to seek God check in with him so to speak. Am I just rambling on and on without thinking about where God might be directing me? The key to this however is not to OVER can just go in circles doing that and it is not what God intends.
Next. of course I will be asking God to help my feet find the right path, by opening and closing doors. Yes closing doors that are not right for me or distract from God's purpose for me.
I will spend time this week praying for family and friends that God will lead them on the paths that are right for them during this time of their lives. That he will walk along those paths with them and guide them.
I will pray about my spiritual path and what I should be seeking and the direction I should take in better understanding my own personal relationship with God.  To me my spiritual path should be my top priority but I believe many times it is not.
Hugs to each of you during this week of prayer. May you seek God's direction and may your lives be enriched by doing so.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

April Soul Care Theme: Paths

We are finishing up our March soul care theme: The Cross this glorious Easter morning. The greatest gift has been bestowed upon us by God. The gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Savior.

This choice to make a year long commitment to "soul care" has been one that I knew would prove challenging,  March was just such a month as time flowed by so quickly and other things consumed my thoughts, time, and energy. I stumbled a bit, felt less creative, even a bit lost but isn't that the primary purpose of soul care?  To help us when we stumble? In all honesty it wasn't lack of faith but lack of energy that created the less than stellar month of seeking God. Yet here we the Cross. Well no, today we are at the empty tomb and JOY is ours!
Last week was a bonus week and I so needed that!  I started a faith art journal just for the many I Am sayings and it has helped my heart , directed me forward in this spiritual journey. As I have mentioned before creative express takes us into a different arena with God.
This is one of the pages I'm working on... I am the light of the world. It's still a work in progress as most pages are because I continue to add to them as I go along.
This page is probably finished!  I am the vine!
Another partially completed page... I am the bread of life.
The new theme for April is Paths. We will pray about, read about and muse about the Paths that God sets before us. How do we find the right path? Is this the one God means for us to take?  Searching for direction is part of the spiritual experience and one worthy of time and thought.
Hugs to all.
Have a glorious Easter.

Soul Care 2020

I think 2020 will be a great year for another round of Soul Care. Well, technically we should be doing that all the time but lets put a spec...