I wanted to share with you how I am doing my Express It Week's "assignment". I am not an artist so I'm not planning on Express It Week to bring forth some earth shattering art work. Art journaling your faith or even just doodling your way through the Soul Care adventure isn't about being a great artist....it's about finding a creative outlet for your faith. Doing so allows you to access your soul and your connection to God at a totally different level.
I decided to add a little watercolor to this week of the January calendar and simple write a beautiful quotation that reminds me that God has control over all things. I've been doodling in my Soul Care Planner a lot not just during Express It Week. You challenge this week is to simply find ONE creative endeavor (no matter how big or how small) to capture your faith journey is some way. Perhaps a short poem, doodles. a whole page that you frame, or perhaps making a card that you either keep or pass on.

I also decided to add a word each day on the weekly page....these are just the start of it....I'll be adding some color and perhaps a bit of collage too....I haven't really decided yet! In other words, this is a work in progress!

This is an earlier doodling page from Bible Verse Week....as you can see....I'm not all that artistic....so join in...nothing you do can be "wrong". Would love to see how you access more of your spiritual self through an artistic or creative endeavor!
Hugs to all....